With the help of humorous language, sentences:
1, create momentum
China's famous writer Mr. Lao She is good humor. In a speech in a city, he began by saying, "I'm going to talk to you about six issues today," and then he talked about the first, the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth, in a well-organized manner.
Talking about the fifth problem, he found that the time from the meeting was not much, so he raised his voice, a serious, said: "Sixth, adjourned." The audience froze at first, and soon applauded joyfully.
Lao She here is the use of a kind of "waves on the ground," the art of momentum, breaking the normal content of the speech, thus surprising the audience, received the effect of humor.
2, omitted
The end of 1985, the National Writing Association held its annual meeting in Shenzhen Luohu District. At the opening ceremony, leaders at the provincial and municipal levels spoke one by one to congratulate them. When it was the turn of the Party Secretary of Luohu District to speak, the opening ceremony had already gone on for a long time. So he said this, "First of all, on behalf of the Luohu District Party Committee and the district government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the experts and scholars."
After applause and a short pause, he said loudly, "Finally, I wish the conference a complete success. My words are finished." He ended his speech with a swift flourish.
The audience was stunned at first, then burst into applause. Because, from the "first" jumped to the "last", the middle of the second, third, fourth ...... such a speech, such as the sky outside the stone, unexpected, to achieve the shock of the stone! Humor effect, is indeed a unique style, the mind out of the box.
With the help of props to produce humor:
1, contrast
Mr. Lu Xun said at the end of the "Lecture at the Chinese University of the Arts in Shanghai,"
"The above are a few points of view that I have observed for the art world.
"Today I bring a picture of the crystallization of 5,000 years of Chinese culture, please enjoy and appreciate it."
Saying this, he reached into his robe with one hand and slowly stretched a roll of paper out from above his lapel, opening it to reveal a morbidly ugly monthly sign. The whole audience burst into laughter.
Mr. Lu Xun's performance with the help of just the right props, in sharp contrast to the closing remarks, was highly humorous. It not only makes the speech end in a cheerful atmosphere, but also makes the audience further savor the deep meaning of Mr. Lu's speech in the laughter.
2, pun
In Yan'an, a speech, when the speech is almost over, Mao Zedong took out a box of cigarettes, with a finger inside slowly touch, but pulled out half a day did not see to pull out a cigarette, apparently smoked out. The people concerned were very anxious, because Mao Zedong is very addicted to cigarettes, so some people immediately moved to get the cigarettes.
Mao Zedong continued to touch the cigarette case as he spoke, and after a while, he grinned and pulled out the only cigarette he had, held it up on his finger, and said to everyone, "Last one!"
This "last one", Mao Zedong's words are the last question, and the last cigarette. Double entendre, funny, the whole audience laughed, the audience's little fatigue and tiredness is also swept away in the sound of laughter.
With the help of humorous action:
With the help of humorous action to the end of the speech, such an example is rare, but no lack of pearls.
The American poet and literary critic James Lowell, when he was ambassador to England in 1883, gave an impromptu speech called "The After-Dinner Speech" at a dinner in London. He concluded by saying, "I heard a story told when I was very young about a Methodist minister in America.
He was preaching in a camping sermon and told the story of Joshua.
Here's how he began: 'Believers, there are three ways in which the sun moves; the first is forward, or straight ahead; the second is backward, or backward motion; and the third, which is referred to in our scriptures - standing still. ' (Laughter) Gentlemen, I don't know if you understand the moral of the story, I hope you do.
Tonight's after-dinner speaker began by going in the direction of the path (getting up and leaving his seat and demonstrating) - i.e., the forward motion of the sun. Then he returned and began to repeat himself - i.e., the sun's backward motion. Finally, with a good sense of direction, he brings himself to the finish line. This is the motion of the sun at rest that we have just described." (Amidst laughter, Lowell re-entered his seat)
How could this evocative movement performance, which was so tightly focused on the topic, be so well done and seamless that it didn't win rapturous applause and laughter from the audience (viewers).
Speech humor ending methods are numerous. The key is that the speaker should have a sense of humor, and can properly grasp the atmosphere of the speech and the audience's state of mind, in order to make the end of the speech to receive the "aftermath of the sound, three days never stop," the sensational effect.
Say playful:
Northern Chinese slang "playful", meaning clever, interesting, sometimes with the meaning of tricky. The playful words, is clever and interesting words. Usually, you say, "Let's eat"! Say: "Fill your stomach" instead! Here is the tone of a game. People like the game, the opportunity to always want to play a little, easy, and sometimes it will be to show off a little personal wisdom, so the playful make fun of.
In general, in the folk sayings, there are quite playful words, such as: "do not sell oil, light knocking clappers," is only to say not to do the meaning. Another example: "take advantage of the steps down the donkey", take the opportunity to stop the meaning; "hit a slap rub three rub", after the blow to appease the meaning of a little; "eat tofu to report the meat account", this is a better understanding. Metaphor, the meaning is very clear, with a sense of humor.
Humor is also divided into types, and different kinds of humor create different impressions and have different effects on others:
1, affinity humor
It is to share and discover funny things in daily life, amuse others, enhance interpersonal relationships, and aims to create a sense of closeness and happiness. This usually happens when two people are familiar with each other, and affinity is increased by exchanging anecdotes from their lives, such as telling jokes to amuse others and stories about small animals.
2, self-improvement humor
Also known as self-improvement humor, refers to the face of adversity, embarrassment with humor to ease, similar to the bitter-sweet. This kind of humor enables people to recognize their own shortcomings and defects and to accept it, or to be able to look at the world with a playful mindset. According to Zheng Li, this kind of humor helps to maintain a calm state of mind, reduce negative emotions, increase positive emotions, and enhance frustration tolerance.
3, mocking humor
It is directed at individuals to spit and mock, such as making fun of others shortcomings to amuse. This is mostly used in performances, where humor is employed in pursuit of comedic effect. Zheng Li suggests that unless the two people are very close or used to the "mutual black" mode of living, or try not to take this form of humor.
If you don't get it right, the person you're mocking may feel attacked and disrespected, causing unnecessary arguments.
4, self-deprecating humor
That is, through self-deprecation to amuse people. Advanced self-deprecation can reflect a person with life wisdom, language innovation and humility. Self-deprecation usually occurs when challenged and denied by others, the self-deprecating person will intelligently lower his posture, resolve the embarrassment and even make others laugh.