Super fat man, Bill Gates to create the Microsoft empire of the partner, the history of the rare super investor, the money is as much as a mountain, the time to go out on a shot, never care about the cost of the Trail Blazers is not a good thing, the yearly payment of the luxury tax, to support a bunch of idlers, and the wages are extremely high, so that the exchange of players trouble sometimes not a good thing. The company's business is a very good one, and it's a very good one, so it's a very good one.
2, McGee Alison Miami Heat 5.3 billion $ 5.3 billion luxury cruise Carnival Cruise
also a big money, or not how willing to sign the sky-high price of the center O'Brien.
3, Rich DeVos Orlando magic 3 billion $ 3 billion Amway one of the founders of the company
Let a good envy of the master of direct sales, but unfortunately in the NBA is not smooth, magic this year's record miserable, but as long as Rich sheds money, I believe that the magic of the rise is only a matter of time.
4, William Davidson Detroit Pistons 2.8 billion $2.8 billion Glass Industry
Pistons actually did not cost him much money, Prince so that the player's salary is also a million threshold, but the two Wallace really let spit out the blood, I think that in the future the renewal of the small Han and Bilupos will be very troublesome.
5, Green Taylor Minnesota Wolves 1.8 billion $ 1.8 billion Printing
Minnesota small town farmer's son, from nothing, from the small studio to help people print wedding stickers home, with a billion dollars, I think it is worthy of business masters, but the Wolves are not good years, I do not know what he plans to do.
6, Melvin Simon Indiana Pacers 1.6 billion $1.6 billion real estate, shopping plazas
Pacers such years has been a low-key action, rarely seen staggering strokes, just smooth step by step development, think this is Melvin Simon way of doing business, but Reggie retired, it is the time for him to spit blood.
7, Stanley Cronk Denver Nuggets 1.4 billion $ 1.4 billion shopping center developer
The boss is a little strange, because he has a rich father-in-law - Wal-Mart retail group founder, by eating slippers rice fortune, indeed have a hand, since the money comes easy, why not for the Nuggets to shell out some more. Oh!
8, Mark Cuban Dallas Mavericks 1.3 billion $ 1.3 billion Internet
Chinese fans hate one of the broadcasters, luxury lineups, coveted bench, the Mavericks' prosperity depends on the Cuban's blessing, and he is Paul Allen outside of the other cost of reinforcing the team's super boss.
9, Michael Haisley Memphis Grizzlies 850 million $ 850 million acquisition of poorly run companies
From the computer salesman started, creating a large family business, Michael is adept at looking for business opportunities from the destruction, and now has become the CEO of 40 subsidiaries, the Grizzly's rise seems to have verified his ability.
10, Robert Johnson Charlotte Bobcats 750 million $750 million entertainment, hotels
Bobcats are the fishbowl is not false, but Johnson is definitely a shrewd boss, with the Bobcats such a new team, the road ahead is naturally rugged, but they have been losing rockets this season, but it is a big drop for Chinese fans.
11, Howard Schultz Seattle Supersonics 700 million $ 700 million Starbucks coffee chain
The new generation of business miracle makers, Starbucks in just a few years, from a small coffee chain into a business empire, let people witness the ability of the boss, the rapid rise of the Supersonics is not surprising.
12, Donald Sterling L.A. Clippers Clippers 500 million $ 500 million real estate
Lawyers started, real estate to get rich, the team's record is poor, but the speedboat's winnings are quite substantial.
13, Cablevision New York Knicks 490 million $494 million Cablevision
Strong economic background decided the Knicks in the conversion market to take what they want, but too high player salaries have become a drag, New York, such a city of the team will never worry about money.
14, Larry Miller Utah jazz 480 million $ 480 million car dealership, etc.
A typical bad student, the results are superb, but because of the assessment is too poor to go to college, their own in the automobile dealership market to work for nothing, and ultimately to play a huge family business, I hope the jazz can give him to earn a breath of air.
15, Dan Gilbert Cleveland Knight 478 million $478 million residential mortgage
The key moment, the Knight is always a chess move, next season how to retain LBJ in high salary at the same time, take more competent role players, will be a test of this boss.
16, Bruce Ratner New Jersey Nets 400 million $400 million real estate
Real estate seems to be a good opportunity to make a fortune, the Nets can retain Kidd in the coming year seems to be a key, as for Carter although very cattle, but obviously still need the right helpers.
17, Robert Sarver Phoenix Sun $400 million $400 million Real estate, banking
Founder of real estate giant SVP Group, which has acquired 4 million feet of office space, 3,500 apartments, 700 hotel rooms and shopping centers, and 2,000 acres of land over the past 14 years, and is the largest owner of office space in central San Diego. The Sun had a bullish season (I'm a staunch yang fan), and they'll obviously be even more competitive next season.
18, Jerry Bass L.A. Lakers 380 million $ 380 million cable TV
Old and decrepit Bass has always been inviting people to hate, ousting O'Brien has made him lose reputation among a significant portion of the fanbase, but reshaping the Lakers with a more youthful Kobe as the centerpiece seems to have been his stated strategy.
19, Wyc Grousbeck Boston Celtics 360 million $360 million venture capital
The green shirt army originally should be a performance stock, but now really become a venture capital, Paul Pierce's huge contract into the team's landmines, the future of the future how to go, we will see.
20, Chris Cohan Golden State Warriors 325 million $325 million cable TV
No one can turn a blind eye to the Warriors' rapid rise in recent years, and they're the biggest dark horse of the season. Chris Cohan's father is one of the pioneers of the U.S. cable TV industry, and I believe his son has taken over the work of his father and made the Warriors even more aggressive. become even more ferocious.
21, Ed Snider Philadelphia Philadelphia $310 million $310 million Sports & Entertainment
AI3 has become a symbol of Philadelphia, and although his never-lose fighting spirit and wise, soulful eyes are a source of immense joy and exhilaration for every basketball fan, it's time for the 76ers to think about that in order to get a championship.
22, Steven Belkin Atlanta Hawks 300 million $300 million venture capital industry
In the era of the human film essence of the dominant, the Hawks used to be the NBA no one belittled the power of the brigade, but over the years has long been the wind is no longer majestic, or careful use of the hands of the draft, for the future to consider it.
23, Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment Toronto Raptors 297 million $297 million sports
Two teams from Canada, the Grizzlies have taken the lead in the turnaround, the strength of the Raptors is stronger but there are signs of further decline, the future of the future for them to say is so uncertain.
24, Jerry Reinsdorf Chicago Bulls $280 million $280 million real estate
Jordan era is far away, after a few seasons of sinking, the Bulls are now back on the hoof, a large number of potential young players ambitious, think of the Rockets can get Chandler how good.
25, Herb Kohl Milwaukee Bucks 279 million $279 million Chain of Stores
Rarely see the Bucks game, really don't know much about them and their boss.
26, Abe Pollin Washington Wizards 180 million $ 180 million construction
Help the owner has said, the Wizards is the most failed business in my life, their game always lack of passion, but now with the help of Arians, no one should underestimate them.
27, George Shinn New Orleans Hornets 100 million $ 100 million education industry, real estate
Millennium bad team Hornets is not so bad, occasionally out of a Wesley such a bee, to the rocket is also the same as the baby, as for the Davis has already proved his ability, next season they may turn over.
28, Joe Maloof Sacramento Kings $ 100 million $ 100 million casinos, hotels, banks
Maloof family is a diversified business empire, a family keen on sports, earlier used to hold the Rockets, and only later turned to the operation of the Kings, I hope they have the ability to make the Kings revitalized.
29, Leslie Alexander Houston Rockets eighty million $ 80 million securities trader
NBA owner of one of the rare poor, 80 million in assets to find life in the strong NBA, it seems not easy, as a hard-core Rockets fans, I hope that Alexander in the ability to be able to spare no blood in the next season.
30, Pete Holt San Antonio Spurs 80 million $80 million Caterpillar
And Alexander has a spell of pauper, but the operation is obviously more successful.