What is the basis of ghost step dance?

The first is the moonwalk.

The second is the rotation step.

The third is the side kick step.

The fourth is the side sliding step.

The fifth is to run in place.

Sixth is rocking in place.

There are three points and one turn in the six basic movements of ghost step dance:

The first point is on the side and front, there is no difficulty.

The second point is that the left foot is different from usual. It is in the opposite direction. Using the toe as the axis, turn the heel to a 45-degree angle to the lower left.

The third point is to face the direction, with the heel as the axis, and then kick to the ground while turning. These three points must be paid attention to the key points I just mentioned, otherwise some people will not pay attention to the movements of their feet, and flowers will not grow under their feet! Be sure to switch between toes and heels to be flexible!