What are the dance steps of Cotillion like?

Social dance steps:

Slow three

Slow three, is belong to three steps.

Three steps, as the name suggests, is that each bar has three beats, it is accented on the first beat, the last two beats are weak, and the rhythm is " strong, weak, weak".

After the man invites his female partner to dance, the male partner advances with his left foot, and the female partner retreats with her right foot. Then, in the slow three, for the men, the first bar of the accent in the left foot, the second bar of the accent on the right foot, and then the accent in the left and right foot rotation. In slow 3, for the men, the accent is on the left foot in the first measure, then on the right foot in the second measure, then on the right foot, then on the left and right feet. This is a very distinct difference from the slow four.

Correspondence dance

Slow three of the simplest steps is straight, beginners often think it is a dance, they do not know where to put their feet. In fact, the slow three dance steps are similar to walking, only with the addition of an understanding of the music. For slow three, we say that the first beat that is the heavy beat, the step should be bigger, two or three beats for the weak beat, the step as an adjustment.

For men, the foot should come out straight and forward.

Beginners are afraid of stepping on the female partner's feet, footsteps to the side, that is, not in line with and slow three jumping, but also does not look good. In fact, as long as both men and women move forward or backward at the same time in time with the rhythm of the music, they will not step on each other's feet.

Slow three in the inner rotation, but also one of the basic steps, men and women dance steps are the same, only that the male partner first out of the left foot, the female partner first back right foot. First of all, the female partner side retreat right foot, male partner out of the left foot in the female partner between the two feet, at this time, the male partner to the left foot as the axis, the female partner to the right foot as the axis, rotate 180 degrees, the male partner back to the right foot, the female partner forward to the left foot, this is the second beat. On the last beat, the male partner steps back with his left foot and is on the left side of his right foot, the female partner advances with her right foot and is on the right side of her left foot, and the two dance in a closed position.

Note that after rotating 360 degrees, the male partner should step back on subsequent dances in order to maintain the direction of the line of the dance, and then rotate 180 degrees if he wishes to revert. At this point the male partner should step back on the right foot and the female partner advance on the left foot .... The same as before.

Fast three

Fast three is the most difficult to dance, fast three jump good or bad, showing the level of a person dancing social dance.

The fast three belongs to the three steps, naturally three beats a bar, the accent in the first beat.

But the fact that it's a fast triple means that it's much faster than a slow triple.

The dance posture of the fast three is slightly different from that of the slow three. Originally, the boy's right hand is below the girl's left shoulder blade, but after dancing the fast three, the right hand can be moved slightly to the left rear, probably to the center of the girl's spine. And male and female dance partners can not be too far away. This is because most of the time in the dance of fast three, is in the rapid rotation, this dance posture is convenient for the boy hard to drive the girl to rotate.

The pace of the fast three is very simple, commonly used only the inner rotation, although the jump method is the same as the slow three, but because the rhythm of the fast three is much faster than the slow three, so if you are still the same as the slow three, with three beats jumping three steps to complete the action, it is not able to keep up with the rhythm. Therefore, when jumping fast three, we say, three steps and two steps, the main one, is the movement of the center of gravity.

First of all, the boy out of the left foot between the girl's two feet, the boy slightly raised the right foot, the center of gravity in the left foot, the girl slightly raised the left foot, the center of gravity in the right foot. The boy's left foot as the axis, the girl's right foot as the axis, counterclockwise rotation of 180 degrees, the center of gravity is unchanged, the boy's right foot and the girl's left foot and in their own another foot next to the toes, but not to support the body, the boy's center of gravity is still in the left foot, the girl's center of gravity remains on the right foot, so that the completion of a small section.

In the next bar, the boy steps back on his right foot and the girl steps forward on her left foot, the same as in the previous bar.

It can be seen that the fast three dance method is relatively simple, but the rapid rotation, which determines that it is a difficult dance, but as long as more practice, it is not difficult to master.

The fast three in the national standard is called Vienna Waltz, is a small section of three steps, but the jumping method is slightly different from the slow three.

Slow four

Same as slow three, from its name we can think of, the rhythm of the slow four is four beats a bar, it is accented by one, three beats, or is the first beat. Unlike slow three, where the accent is on the first beat, and since it's an odd number of beats, the accent rotates between the left and right foot, slow four is different, since it's an even number of beats, the accent is always on the left. Of course, this is for boys; for girls, the accent is always on the right foot.

There are two basic ways to dance the slow four: one is to dance at equal intervals; the other is to dance two slow and two fast. Whichever way you jump, there are certain principles to follow.

Slow four is a slow rhythm of the dance, the expression of the show should be calm, graceful and elegant.

Unlike the slow three, the undulation of the slow four is not obvious, can be said to be no, and four beats a bar. For spinning, it's clearly more fluid than the slow three.

Overall, the slow four is much easier to dance than the slow three. That's why there are always more slow fours than slow threes at prom.

When the slow four is slower, we can use the equal-interval dancing method, according to the rhythm of the dance, four beats to a bar, each beat to take a step. As for the dance posture and so on, it is the same as the slow three. When walking straight, the first two beats can be slightly larger, and the last two beats can be adjusted. Note that for boys, the accent is always on the left foot (girls on the right). When the tempo of the dance music is a little fast, you can use two slow and two fast dance method, that is, "slow - slow - fast - fast". The slow beat contains two beats of the song and the fast beat contains one beat. In this way, a bar actually contains six beats. Beginners can dance the first slow four, easy to learn, good dance. Of course, the second dance rhythm is strong, more fancy.