The name of a dance group is a good one.
Answer:: Dear↙ Ruoxi Dear↙ King く Dear↙皇銗く Dear↙ hibernate く Dear↙釨く Dear↙ tortoise く Dear↙ 外茭く Dear↙侽佣く Dear↙ 鬟く Name: ﹏Soar丶贵蔟 Position: ﹏Soar丶团长 ﹏Soar丶副团 ﹏Soar丶宠ル ﹏Soar丶管理 ﹏Soar丶﹏Soar. ﹏Soar丶糀塟シ ﹏Soar丶ㄊ? ﹏Soar丶ㄊ宔 ﹏Soar丶王ふ Angle失楽圜 Positions: Upper third - the divine hierarchy Incandescent Angels Seraphim Intellectual Angels Cherbim Seat Angels Ofanim Middle third - the hierarchy of the Son Dominions Force Angels Virtues Energy Angels Powers Lower third - the hierarchy of the Holy Spirit 阶级 权天使 Principalities 大天使 Archangels 天使Angels ﹏Soar丶荭 ﹏Soar丶unglass ★☆ ﹏Soar丶成員 Dance Troupe Name: ﹏Eternalメhope ﹏Eternalメinflexible ﹏EternalメSunshine ﹏EternalメMiracle Miracle ﹏EternalメForever ﹏EternalメForget ﹏EternalメSilent ﹏EternalメSmile ﹏EternalメBlank ﹏EternalメHope Name?cry′ ?cry′ˉQueen ?cry′ˉPrincess ?cry ﹏Sωeet°family ﹏Sωeet°princess ﹏Sωeet°agent ﹏Sωeet°darling ﹏Sωeet°warm spring ﹏Sωeet°shallow summer ﹏Sωeet°deep fall ﹏Sωeet°cold winter м▂▂_guy arrowhead灬. м▂_贵镞灬挚嫒の+那个人的单名昵称(你的伴侣) ▼." Client buzz ▼." ▼." fullClientCapricorn Shining Eternity ▼." "Full Client Aquarius Nobility ▼." "Full Pisces Zorwing Couples ▼." "The full complement of Cancer ▼." "The full Aries client ▼." "The full Taurus nobleman ▼." "The full Scorpio 贵族厷主 ▼." The Gemini Only Baby ▼." The client Leo, the rising star, the Crazy Group. You can also change the name of the group to the family, because you think the group sounds better. Positions: Crazy director, Crazy vice-chairman, Crazy chairman, Crazy manager, Crazy assistant, Crazy hottie, Crazy hottie, Crazy bodyguard, Crazy employee. Rolya _ leader, Rolya _ leader's wife, Rolya _ deputy group, Rolya _ personnel head, Rolya _ administrator, Rolya _ assistant, Rolya _ people, Rolya _ nova, ﹏ メSomnus ﹏Shy メAnson (in fact, the non-mainstream really need is quiet, clean, calm) ﹏Shy メLi Lu (for the head of the people is very important to the people!) ﹏Shyメ倥 (空空世界,淡定浮生 ﹏Shyメ诺 (诺,诺言 ﹏Shyメ染 (染,同然,然后 ﹏Shyメ堇 (堇,同仅,仅有。 独家 ﹏Shyメ澈 (很干净的字 ﹏Shyメ晴 (天空,心情,都很晴朗) ﹏Shyメ沫 (新亲,同陌,两个都可以用) Muc.〢、主宰 Muc.〢、春 Muc.〢、夏 Muc.〢、秋 Muc.〢、冬 Muc.〢、代言 Muc.〢、新星 Muc.〢、代言 Muc.〢、潮流 Muc.〢、唯一 moon ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド cloud ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド plume ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド intention ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド ling ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド shadow ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド about ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド gel ヘッド~ ~sky ヘッド moon ヘッド~ Sob, Guardian. Sob, Sacred Tears. Sob, Tear Pupil. Sob, Lust for Water. Sob, First Dye. Sob, Sheng Hua. Sob, Shamaru. Sob、Light Feather.