Seventy percent of jade scrolls at 15:30 to 16:00 draw a gold ring
Ten percent of jade scrolls at 15:30 to 16:00 draw a bumblebee permanently
One percent of jade scrolls at around 3:00 draws a black and gold razor (days vary)
Golden fruit basket opens watermelon at 0:00 (days vary)
Golden fruit basket opens watermelon at 0:00 (days vary)
What do you usually open? )
Two percent of Jade Scrolls at around 4:00 draw a Chariot permanent
Golden Fruit Baskets open watermelons at around 0:10 and two percent draw a Needlepoint permanent
Golden Fruit Baskets open watermelons at around 2:30 and two percent draw a Windrunner (the number of days is variable)
Purple Fruit Baskets at around 0:15 and three percent draw a Needlepoint permanent
Strawberry Jelly at around 15:30 nine percent draw Holy Embrace permanently
Strawberry Jelly at around 0:10 two percent draw Apocalypse permanently
Mango Jelly at around 16:00 eight percent draw Bumblebee or Red Comet permanently
Golden Silk Basket at around 0:00 three percent draw Renault permanently
Big Green Bug at around 0:10 Two percent of the draw to Razor permanent
Big Green Worm at about 0:40 four percent of the draw to the Bloodbath Feather permanent or Lianqi Feather permanent
Small Green Worm at about 0:00 seven percent of the draw to the King of Flying Tigers or the Golden Beast
Fortune Bags at about 0:00 five percent of the draw to the Reynolds (the number of days is not certain
Scented Rice Dumplings at about 0:10 two percent of the draw to the Diamond Platinum Ring
Golden Rice Dumplings at 0:00 around six percent to draw Renault or Megatron (days variable)
Golden Rice Dumplings at 0:15 around four percent to draw grenades (days variable)
Purple Cloud Tigers at 0:30 around three percent to draw Fantasy Permanent
Expedited Cocktail Redeeming at 0:00 around two percent to draw S Platinum Razor (days variable)
One Ocean Star at around 0:00 to redeem eleven percent to draw the Moon Goddess (days variable)
Three Ocean Stars at around 0:00 to redeem three percent to draw the Windwalker (days variable)
Egg Smash, Copper Treasure Chest, and Ancient Oil Lamps at around 16:00 to draw the Stormy Winds blueprints at 21%
Primary time] small green bugs 2:38 pm out of the permanent flying fire [odds 65] 12:45 pm out of the flying fire [odds 60] 12:46 pm out of the big Q bar [odds 70]
[Primary time] big green bugs 12:42 pm out of the permanent speed [odds 60] night legend [odds 60]
[Primary time] big green bugs 12:42 pm out of the permanent speed [odds 60] night legend [odds 60]
[Primary time] big green bugs 12:42 pm out of the permanent speed [odds 60]
[Primary time] big green bugs 12:42 pm out of the permanent speed [odds 60]
[Prime Time] Little Green Worm 9:11 AM Permanent Big Q Bar [Chance 55]
[Prime Time] Crystal Mushroom 12:44 PM Permanent Flying Fire 1:30 PM Flying Fire [Chance 55]
[Prime Time] Crab Catching 9:22 AM Permanent Reynolds [Chance 60] 12:30 PM Reynolds [Chance 65]
Anxious Heart 02:39:06
Golden Chest: Gale 15 days Fire 15 days Saints 15 days
Silver Chest: Gold Ring
Copper Chest: Storm Blueprints Double Experience Card
Purple Chest: Saints 20 days
Golden Eggs in Leisure Zone: Gale 7 days Fire 7 days Flying Cars Medallion
Emerald Eggs in Leisure Zone: Flying Cars Medallion Storm blueprint Gold key Silver key Bronze key
Stupid egg: Fantasy 15 days Fire diamond 15 days
Purple dragon egg: Needlepoint 15 days Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days
Chinese New Year treasure chest Golden Treasure Chest: Gale 15 days Flowing fire 15 days
Platinum Wish Bottle: Venus 15 days Iron Rider 15 days
Golden Treasure Tree: Mercedes 10 days
Silver Treasure Tree: God of War Wings 10 days Mercedes Benz 10 days
Magic Sacred Lamp: Shadow 7 days Fire Diamond 7 days
Small Gold Shovel: Blade 15 days Paladin 15 days
Small Silver Shovel: Paladin 7 days
Lucky Monopoly: Bullet 15 days Streaming Fire 15 days Stormy Snow 15 days
Worn Out Scrolls: Mercedes Benz 10 days Flying Plumes 7 days
Sheepskin Scrolls: S Black Gold Razor 7 days Golden Feather (permanent) Fantasy 15 days Lei Ling (permanent) Flying Feather 15 days
Jade Scrolls: S Black Gold Razor 10 days ((there is a certain chance to get a permanent, I have a friend who took a permanent)) Bumblebee (permanent) Battle Bus (permanent) Golden Feather (permanent) Apollo 20 days Mercedes Benz 20 days Flying Feather 30 days
Purple gold fruit basket: Windwalker 15 days Needlepoint (permanent) Wings of the King (permanent)
Golden fruit basket: Windwalker 15 days Needlepoint (permanent) Wings of the King (permanent)
Silver fruit basket: Excellence (permanent)
Golden Silk Louboutin: Bull 15 days Reynolds (permanent) Decepticons (permanent)
Small Silk Louboutin: Dark Night 7 days Prince Charming (permanent) Lightspeed 7 days
Pumpkin Lamp: (sacred fire) Apollo 7 days Athena 7 days Phantom Wings 10 days (either 7 days)
Scented Rice Dumpling: Diamond Ring Platinum Ring True Love Ring Blazing Angel 7 days
Golden Dumpling: Apollo 15 days Lightspeed 15 days Fire Diamonds 15 days
Mixed Moon Cake: Blue Dragon 7 days Blaze 7 days
Silver Flower Ring Heart Pearl Ring Day Silver Flower Ring Heart Bead Ring
Ice Mooncake: Riptide 10 days Fantasy 10 days
Lightning Enchanted Stone: Apocalypse 10 days Mercedes 10 days Holy Angel Feather 15 days Storm Rider Wings 15 days Colorful Butterfly Flower Ring
Holy Enchanted Stone: Artifact 10 days Ice Blade 10 days
Illusory Enchanted Stone: Thunder 7 days Ice Spirit 7 days
Big belly vacuum cleaner: Storm 15 days Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days
Electric vacuum cleaner: Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days Renault 15 days Mercedes 15 days Fleet badge
Purple conch (looking for true love): Goddess of Moonlight 15 days Prince Charming 15 days
Purple conch (true love forever): Windwalker 15 days Holy Angel 15 days Goddess of Moonlight 15 days Needlepoint 15 days
Mystic Summoning (Phoenix Bird): Ice Spirit 7 days
Mystic Summoning (Phoenix King): Blade 15 days Fire Diamond 15 days Thunder 15 days
Red Meteor Shower: Lightspeed 10 days Reynolds 10 days Wings of the Elf God 7 days
Purple Meteor Shower: Purple Halberd 10 days Saints 10 days
Golden Meteor Shower: Apollo 10 Days Blade 10 days
Ordinary Cocktail: Shadow Dancer 7 days Mercedes Benz 7 days
Expedited Cocktail: Fantasy 10 days S Platinum Razor 7 days
Fortunate Bags: Needlepoint 10 days Apocalypse 10 days Fire Diamond 10 days Saints 10 days
Permanent Storms: Permanent storms Reynolds 15 days (the event has ended)
Wishing Star: Bullets 180 days (Chances are low)
Super Lotto: Chariot 30 days (Chances are pretty high)
Wish Card: Diamond Platinum Ring Warlord Wings 10 days
Wonderful Pouch: Bullet 10 days Fleet Badge
Purple Diamond Lucky Draw: Current Apocalypse 15 days Apocalypse Permanent (Chances are low) Renault 15 days Renault Permanent (Chances are low)
Red Snow Monster: Apocalypse (number of days is uncertain) Wei-Zhou 15 days Yeti Pet
Blue Snow Monster: Yeti Pet
Raising Sheep to Riches: Cool Orange Skateboard 15 days, Permanent Prince Charming
Golden Dumplings: Alpha 20 days, Apocalypse 20 days
Delicious Dumplings: Fire Drill 10 days, Razor 10 days
Blue Rose Bouquet Gift Set: Legend of the Black Night 20 days
Red Rose Bouquet Gift Box: Eros Kiss X (permanent), Eros Heart X (permanent)
Purple Rose Bouquet Gift Box: Moonlight Goddess 20 days
The most effective way to get an A-car is to open a golden basket between 11:00-2:00 pm, preferably with 3 pieces,
It is easiest to get a permanent A-car at 12:00 pm,
And also to get a Mercedes-Benz at 12:00 pm. Chest: Storm Blueprints Double Experience Card
Purple Treasure Chest: Saints 20 days
Golden Eggs in Leisure Zone: Gale 7 days Flowing Fire 7 days Flying Cars Medal
Emerald Eggs in Leisure Zone: Flying Cars Medal Storm Blueprints Gold Keys Silver Keys Bronze Keys
Dumb Eggs: Fantasy 15 days Fire Diamonds 15 days
Purple Dragon Eggs: Needlepoints 15 days Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days Days
Chinese New Year Treasure Chest Golden Treasure Chest: Gale 15 days Lunar Cloud 15 days
Platinum Wishing Bottle: Venus 15 days Iron Horseman 15 days
Golden Treasure Tree: Mercedes Benz 10 days
Silver Treasure Tree: God of War Wings 10 days Mercedes Benz 10 days
Magic Sacred Lamp: Shadow 7 days Fire Diamonds 7 days
Small Golden Shovel: Blades 15 days Paladins 15 days
Small Silver Shovel: Paladin 7 days
Lucky Monopoly: Bullet 15 days Streaming Fire 15 days Storm 15 days
Worn Scroll: Mercedes Benz 10 days Flying Feather 7 days
Sheepskin Scroll: S Black Gold Razor 7 days Golden Feather (permanent) Fantasy 15 days Thundering (permanent) Flying Feather 15 days
Jade Scroll: S Black Gold Razor 10 days ((there is a certain chance to get a permanent, I have a friend before took a permanent)) Hornet (permanent) Chariot (permanent) Golden Feather (permanent) 20 days Mercedes 20 days Flying Feather 30 days
Purple Gold Fruit Basket: Windrunner 15 days Needle Tip (permanent) King's Wings (permanent)
Golden Fruit Basket: Windrunner 15 days Needle Tip (permanent) King's
Silver Fruit Basket: Excellence (permanent)
Golden Silk Louboutin: Bull 15 days Reynolds (permanent) Decepticons (permanent)
Small Silk Louboutin: Darkness 7 days Prince Charming (permanent) Speed of Light 7 days
Pumpkin Lamp: (Sacred Fire) 7 days Athena 7 days Phantom Elf Wings 10 days (either 7 days)
Perfumed Rice Dumplings: Diamond Ring Platinum Ring True Love Ring of a Lifetime Finger Ring Blazing Angel 7 days
Golden Rice Dumpling: 15 days Speed of Light 15 days Fire Diamond 15 days
Mixed Moon Cake: Blue Dragon 7 days Wind Blast 7 days Silver Flower Ring Heart Bead Ring
Ice Cream Moon Cake: Sharp Speed 10 days Fantasy 10 days
Lightning Attachment Stone: Apocalypse 10 days Mercedes Benz 10 days Sacred Angel Feather Wings 15 days Storm Rider Wings 15 days Colorful Butterfly Flower Ring
Sacred Enchanted Stone: Jiejie 10 days Ice Blade 10 days
Phantom Enchanted Stone: Thunder 7 days Ice Spirit 7 days
Belly Vacuum Cleaner: Storm Rider 15 days Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days
Electrical Vacuum Cleaner: Saints 15 days Fantasy 15 days Reynolds 15 days Mercedes 15 days Fleet Emblem
Purple Conch (Finding True Love): Moon Goddess 15 days Prince Charming 15 days
Purple Conch (True Love Forever): Windwalker 15 days Holy Angel 15 days Moon Goddess 15 days Needlepoint 15 days
Mystery Summoning (Phoenix Bird): Ice Spirit 7 days
Mystery Summoning (Phoenix King): Blade 15 days Fire Diamond 15 days Thunder 15 days
Red Meteor Shower: Lightspeed 10 days Renault 10 days Elf God Wings 7 days
Purple Meteor Shower: Purple Halberd 10 days Saints 10 days
Golden Meteor Shower: 10 days Blade 10 days
Ordinary Cocktail: Shadow Dancer 7 days Mercedes Benz 7 days
Expedited Cocktail: Fantasy 10 days S Platinum Razor 7 days
Fortune Bags: Needlepoint 10 days Apocalypse 10 days Fire Diamond 10 days Saints 10 days
Permanent Blizzard: Permanent Blizzard Reynolds 15 days (the event has ended)
Wishing Star: Bullets 180 days (low chance)
Super Lotto: Chariot 30 days (high chance)
Wishing Card: Diamond Platinum Ring War God Wings 10 days
Wonderful Pouch: Bullets 10 days Fleet Badge
Purple Diamond Lucky Draw: Current Apocalypse 15 days Apocalypse permanent (chances are very low) Renault 15 days Renault permanent (chances are very low)
Red Snow Monster: Apocalypse (number of days is uncertain) Wei-Zhong 15 days Yeti Pet
Blue Snow Monster: Yeti Pet
Raising Sheep to Riches: Cool Orange Skateboard 15 days, permanent Prince Charming
Gold Medal Dumpling: Alpha 20 days, Apocalypse 20 days
Delicious Dumpling: Fire Diamond 10 days, Razor 10 days
Blue Rose Bouquet Gift Box: Legend of the Black Night 20 days, Athena 20 days
Red Rose Bouquet Gift Box: Eros Kiss X (permanent), Eros Heart X (permanent) Jade Scroll around 0:00 fifteen percent of the draw Mercedes-Benz (days variable) Jade scroll at 15:30 to 16:00 seventy percent draw to the gold ring jade scroll at 15:30 to 16:00 ten percent draw to the bumblebee permanent jade scroll at about 3:00 one percent draw to the black gold razor (days variable) jade scroll at about 4:00 two percent draw to the chariot permanent gold fruit basket open watermelon at 0:10 about two percent draw to the needle point permanent gold fruit basket open watermelon at 2:30 or so two percent draw to the windwalker (the number of days is variable) purple fruit basket at 0:15 or so three percent draw to the needle point permanent strawberry jelly at 15:30 or so nine percent draw to the holy embrace permanent strawberry jelly at 0:10 or so two percent draw to the apocalypse permanent mango jelly at 16:00 or so eight percent draw to the bumblebee or the red comet permanent golden silk basket at 0:00 or so three percent draw to the Reynolds permanent big green bugs in 0:10 around two percent to draw the Razor permanent big green bugs in 0:40 around four percent to draw the blood bath feathers permanent or rikki feathers permanent small green bugs in 0:00 around seven percent to draw the King of Flying Tigers or the Golden Beasts Fukubukuro in 0:00 around five percent to draw to the Reynolds (the number of days is not certain) Fragrant Rice Dumplings in 0:10 around two percent to draw to the diamond platinum ring Gold Dumplings in 0:00 Around six percent draw to Renault or Megatron (days variable) gold dumplings at 0: 15 around four percent draw to durability (days variable) purple cloud tiger at 0: 30 around three percent draw to fantasy forever big dragon boat at 8: 00 around exchange two percent draw to silver wing killer permanent big dragon boat at 1: 10 around exchange four percent draw to colorful twelve wing permanent big dragon boat at 2: 00 around exchange three percent draw to Wheel of Fortune permanent golden meteor shower at about 5:00 exchange nine percent to draw the golden feather permanent expedited chicken letter at about 0:00 exchange two percent to draw the S platinum razor (days indefinite) 1 Ocean Star at about 0:00 exchange eleven percent to draw the moon goddess (days indefinite) 3 Ocean Star at about 0:00 exchange three percent to draw the wind walker (days indefinite)