I. Alliance camp:
1. Humans
Studies have shown that humans are the descendants of the savage Vikings - half-giant warriors - who lived in Northrend. For thousands of years, early humans lived primarily in scattered tribes until the growing power of the Troll Empire forced them to unite. From this, the Empire of Arathor and his capital, the city of Riptide, were born.
2. Dwarves
The bold and courageous Dwarves are an ancient race that originated as earth spirits created from vibrant stone by the Titans of the early worlds. As a result of a disease known as the Curse of Flesh and Blood, the Dwarves' earthling ancestors underwent a metamorphosis that transformed their rocky animal hides into soft skin.
3. Dwarves
Intelligent, dynamic, and unpredictable, dwarves represent a unique paradox among the races of Azeroth civilization. They are brilliant inventors and have an irrepressible optimism, but they have also suffered betrayal, migration, and even near-genocide.
4. Dark Elves
The ancient and isolated Dark Elves played a key role in the formation of Azeroth's history. As far back as 10,000 years ago, their valor during the Ancient War repelled the first invasion of the murderous Burning Legion. Centuries later, when the remnants of the Burning Legion scattered across Azeroth were rallied by the evil Sartre, the Dark Elves once again began to face threats.
5. Draenei
The world of Argus and its highly intelligent inhabitants, the Eridans. Convinced that the magically gifted race would play a decisive role in its dark mission to destroy all living things, Sargeras made an appointment to meet with the three leaders of the Aeridans - Kilgardan, Arkmund, and Velen - and exchanged knowledge and power for their loyalty.
6. The Gilneas
Lelar Wolfsbane's Fire energizes Elohim's Scythe, a mystical weapon created from Godling's Sharp Teeth and Elohim's Scepter. The druid's rage does not abate, however, and the weapon turns Lelar and his followers into werewolves: half-human beasts enslaved by their own primal natures.
7. Pandaren
Everything about the Pandaren is a mystery to the other races of the Azeroth world - very few have ever actually seen one, let alone dealt with one, except for mere words in legends and myths. The history of this noble race goes back millions of years, before the birth of the oldest human empire, and even before the Great Schism of the world, the Pandaren had established their own civilization.
2. Horde Camp:
1. Orcs
The Orcs are not native to Azeroth. At first, they inhabited the verdant and lush world of Draenor as a shamanic tribe. When Kilgardan, the demon lord of the Burning Legion, corrupted the orcs and was planning a revenge plot to use them against the Draenei, exiles from Kilgardan's homeworld, the orcs abandoned the culture in which they had lived so peacefully.
2. Darkspear Trolls
The savage trolls of Azeroth are notorious for their cruelty, evil mysticism, and intense hatred of other races. But the Darkspear clan and its shrewd leader, Worgin, are an exception among the trolls. When Chief Sal and his mighty tribal army traveled in a raging storm to settle on a deserted island in the South Seas, the proud clan, tormented by a history of submission and exile, was on the brink of extinction.
3. The Forsaken
When the Witch-King's grip on his vast army wanes after the Third War, a small band of undead break free from their master's iron rule. Though this freedom began to seem like a blessing, it wasn't long before these undead from their former lives were tormented by the memories of their time as minions of the Blind Skaven Legion, which were indescribably terrifying.
4. Minotaurs
The peace-loving Minotaurs (known as shu'halo in their own language) are longtime residents of Kalimdor, working to preserve the balance of nature at the behest of their goddess, Mother Earth. Spread throughout the barren regions, the Minotaurs, who live as scattered nomads, have only recently begun to hunt the large Kodo beasts that come from the arid regions.
5. Blood Elves
For nearly 7,000 years, High Elven society has been centered around the sacred Well of the Sun, a magical spring created from a vial of pure arcane energy from the Well of Eternity. Nourished by the high energy of the Well of the Sun, the magical kingdom of Quel'thalas, inhabited by the High Elves, has become increasingly prosperous in a verdant forest north of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
6. Gnomes
Originally slaves to the jungle trolls on the island of Khazan, the gnomes were forced to dig for ore in the interior of the Kayaro volcano, where the Kaggar Mines are located. The jungle trolls used the ore for their voodoo rituals, but this had an unintended effect on the slaves who often came into contact with the ore: the Kaga ore made the goblin race surprisingly cunning and clever.
7. Pandaren (Fire and Gold Faction)
The Pandaren are a mystery to the rest of the Azeroth world - very few people have ever actually seen one, let alone dealt with one, other than in the words of legends and myths. The history of this noble race goes back millions of years, before the birth of the oldest human empire, and even before the Great Schism of the world, the Pandaren had established their own civilization.
Three Professions
1. Druids
Druids are the guardians of the world. After many centuries of slumber, they awoke to defend themselves against the invasion of the Burning Legion. After the defeat of Arkmund, the druids chose to stay in the world and help rebuild their shattered homeland. The Burning Legion's invasion left indelible wounds on nature, and the druids are dedicated to healing those wounds.
2. Hunters
Azeroth is home to many beasts. From the new world of Lordaeron to the old world of Kalimdor, a wide variety of creatures can be found. Some are friendly, others are fierce - but they all have one **** in common. Each creature has a special bond with the hunter. Hunters can track, tame, and kill a variety of animals and beasts found in the wild.
3. Mages
The magical kingdom of Dalaran was once home to mages. After the kingdom was destroyed by the Burning Legion, this mystical art spread to the far corners of the world. Mages are very important and helpful members of the team. One of the most powerful spells is called Transformation, which allows mages to limit the number of monsters attacking the team.
4. Paladins
As the possessors of the Holy Light and defenders of the Alliance, the Paladins fend off the invasion of the undead in the northern forests of Tirisfal's Woodlands, and keep a watchful eye out for the forces of evil coming from the Gates of Darkness in the southern part of the Cursed Lands. Wielding mighty warhammers in their hands and drawing on the power of light, these holy warriors commanded the battle, ever present on the most dangerous front lines.
5. Priests
Priests are masters of healing, group control, and hate control. Other professions such as Shamans, Druids and Paladins can also heal, but no one does it better than the Cleric. Priests can also resurrect the dead, just like Shamans and Paladins. Through the use of Soul Stones. Warlocks also have the ability to resurrect the dead. Priests also have a number of enhancement spells that can help their team members. High level priests can even control humanoid monsters.
6. Stalkers
Companied by shadows and adept at escaping, the Stalkers of Azeroth are best at acting behind the scenes. Altering events to their liking and striking only when they have the greatest advantage: this is what Stalkers do best. With sophisticated schemes, superior skills, and excellent deception and concealment, Stalkers are at home in theft, murder, espionage, and assassination.
7. Shaman Priests
Shamans are the spiritual leaders of clans and tribes. They communicate with spirits, have the ability to see into the future, and guide their people through dark times. Many people misinterpret their wisdom and calmness as pacifist in nature. In fact, when challenged, shamans possess powerful abilities to deal with those who disturb the natural order.
8. Warlocks
Warlocks are mages obsessed with studying the roots of demonic power. Seduced by dark knowledge and consumed by greed, they pursue chaotic magic from beyond the world. The Burning Legion provides them with their own power, allowing them to draw upon destructive energies and summon emissaries of their demonic masters.
9. Warriors
Warriors are professions that focus on close-quarters combat. These characters are as tough as nails and are well versed in a variety of weapons and tactical techniques. They possess a variety of special abilities related to combat. Warriors are the ultimate fighting machines built for battle. Unlike warrior characters in other games, in World of Warcraft, warriors can apply many different skills and abilities in combat.
10. Death Knight
As the first heroic profession in World of Warcraft, the feared Death Knight is unlike any other adventurer in that they do not seek to achieve success on the battlefields of Azeroth. Freed from the control of the Lich King, the Death Knights began a new journey and stood in the line against the Lich King. They are experienced warriors who are not only well-equipped, but also possess the deadly forbidden magic they acquired under the rule of the Lich King.
Expanded InformationWorld of Warcraft's Characteristic Systems
1. Copy PVE
The concept of copy PVE in World of Warcraft is similar to the concept of "dungeon" in other games of the same type, and the players can form a team to enter these dungeons to carry out the copy of the raid. In order to avoid interference between different teams, for the same copy, the system will generate a separate dungeon for each team, and the map data as a distinction.
World of Warcraft has a large number of duplicates, with a large number of elite-level monsters that are more difficult to kill than normal monsters, and the quest rewards and equipment dropped by monsters and bosses (Bosses) are of better quality than the rewards of normal quests.
Depending on the size of the underground city, replicas are generally divided into small replicas (which can be used by small teams of 5 to 10 people) and large team replicas (all replicas after the Burning Expedition allow up to 25 people to adventure in a team, but most of the level 60 replicas before that were used by teams of 40 people to adventure in a team), and large team replicas are significantly harder and stronger than the small replicas.
The copy cooldown (CD) is usually a team number that is created after a team enters, regardless of whether it is completed or not, and after the boss has been completed and killed, and each team number is given a cooldown.
2. PVP System
(1) World PvP: The continent of Azeroth is rife with conflicting battles, especially on PvP servers. That is, encounters between members of opposing hostile camps.
(2) Battlegrounds: Players fight with members of the enemy camp to accomplish various goals and win to gain more honor points. Earn PvP currency to purchase a variety of exclusive weapons and armor.
(3) Arena: The Arena pits teams of two, three or five players against each other. The key to an Arena team is to work together, and if you do, you'll be able to win, or else you'll be wiped out; the matches take the form of a top-of-the-pyramid arrangement. Winning the battle will improve both individual and team rankings.
3. Props Mall
World of Warcraft's Props Mall was officially launched on December 11, 2013, and is also known as the "Battle.net Store". Unlike other online games, it focuses on selling items such as mounts and pets, rather than actual equipment that can enhance your character's abilities.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Horde (Horde in the game World of Warcraft)
Baidu Encyclopedia - World of Warcraft