One of the line; holding hands to walk through the earth's thousands of mountains and rivers; couple duet called what song title?

Isn't it "White Heads Don't Leave Each Other" by Qing'er Square Dance?

White Heads Don't Leave Each Other


Lyrics: Red Dust and Cloudy Smoke

Sung by: Hai Sheng, Jiang Yuhua


Male A person has walked through several seasons of blossoming and withering flowers

A person has seen how many lonely landscapes

Female Mang meets you in the boundless sea of people

It seems as though It's like a promise made in a previous life

I feel like there's always an inexplicable understanding with you

Men, how many years have we gone through with you

How many sorrows and joys have we witnessed with you

Women, choosing you in the multitude of people is a decision that you have no regrets about in this life

I hope that our love for each other will never be overruled

Men, let's **** this life together.

To cherish each other's true love with our true hearts

Women Walking through life with the same pain and suffering

Spreading happiness and sweetness along the way

Men Let's **** this life with our white heads

Guard each other's true hearts with our true love

Women Walking through the human world with our hands in the air

Renewing the legend of a love story

This is the first time I've ever been in a relationship with you. Legends of love