When did the Heavenly Judges first come into existence? What are their powers? Are they important?

The name of the successive astronomy institutions and the main person in charge of the official name change history as follows: 秦 太史令 西汉 太史公 太史令 east Han dynasty 太史令 魏晋南北朝 太史局;太史 隋 太史曹 太史监;太史令 唐 太史局 浑天监 混仪监 太史监 司天台;太史局令浑天监 太史监 司天台;太史局令 浑天监太史监 司天台监.824人 宋 司天监 太史局 天天院;司天监 太史局令 辽 司天监;太史令 金 Liao 司天监;太史令 Jin 司天监;提點 司天监 Yuan 司天监 回回司天监 太史院;提點 司天监 太史院史.259人 明 钦天监;太史令 监正.41-23人 清 钦天监;监正.154人 In contrast to the status of astronomers in modern society, the head of the ancient royal astronomical institution and his subordinates were government officials; the astronomical institution was a branch of the central government and usually had no permanent subordinate institutions or personnel on a local level. The astronomical institution was a department of the central government and usually had no permanent subordinate organizations and personnel at the local level. Sometimes, for special observation tasks, temporary personnel were assigned, with the exception of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. However, the theoretical rank of this department has not been too high, the highest in the Tang Dynasty, had reached about three levels, the lowest in about five products. There were three main sources of staff for the Tianxue Institution: first, hereditary Tianxue officials, second, recruitment from society, and third, specialized training in its own right. The main work of the celestial institution is as follows: first of all, the observation record of celestial phenomena, the content of the determination of the position of the stars, and the preparation of star catalogs or charts; solar and lunar eclipses and occultation observations; the planets in the stellar background of the visual motion status; abnormal celestial phenomena of the observation record, including comet novae meteors sunspots and so on. Some of these celestial phenomena were also selectively reported to the emperor. The second was the development and management of sky-watching instruments. The third is the revision of the calendar, the compilation of calendars and calendars and the printing and issuing of them.

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