Cuscuta Flower Language

The language of Cuscuta is victory over difficulties, the corolla campanulate, light red or greenish white, 3-5 mm long, apically 5-lobed, lobes ovate-triangular, obtuse, erect or slightly reflexed, 2-2.5 times shorter than the corolla tube; stamens 5, inserted between lobes of corolla throat, anthers ovate-orbicular, yellow, filaments absent or few;

Scales 5, oblong, margins fimbriate, inserted at base of corolla tube, extending to middle or above middle; ovary globose, smooth, glabrous, 2-loculed, style slender, as long as or united to 1, as long as or above the ovary; ovaries as long as or united with ovary. scales 5, oblong, margin fimbriate, inserted at base of corolla tube, elongating to or above middle of corolla tube; ovary globose, smooth, glabrous, 2-loculed, styles slender, united into 1, as long as or slightly longer than ovary, stigma 2-lobed.

Capsules ovoid, ca. 5 mm, circumscissile near base, 1-2-seeded, smooth, 2-2.5 mm, brown. Fl. in Aug. and fr. in Sept.

Expanded Information:

Cuscutta is mainly reproduced by seed and to a lesser extent by nutritional reproduction. If dodder seeds are mixed in the introduction of good forest species and the transfer of seedlings, it will contribute to its long-distance spread; the activities of birds and livestock can also bring dodder seeds;

In addition to this, when the mature seeds are shed in the soil, it can also be further spread after cultivation. Often, urban greening shipments of soil with dodder seeds are the primary means of seed dispersal.

New host relationships can also be established when reentanglement of isolated live dodder stems occurs in contact with other hosts during mid-tillage weeding and manual removal.