Changxiang Taiping village belongs to where

Weixian Jijiazhuang Changxiang Taiping Village is located 5 kilometers southeast of Jijiazhuang Town, with a household population of 246, 712 people, a resident population of 450 people, including 39 party members, five members of the two committees, a cultivated area of 2,175 acres, all of which is dry land, the economic sources are mainly planting and out of work.

Changxiang Taiping Village is adjacent to East Taiping Village, Zongjia Taiping Village, Lijiazhuang Village, Yangjia Xiaozhuang Village, Shenjiazhuang Village, Hongqiao Village, Dongshangmaitou Village, Qijiazhuang Village, Dazhuangzi Village, Dongxianxiao Village, Erzhuangzi Village, Xixianxiao Village, Bao Li Tou Village, and Shimoyujian Village.

There are tourist attractions near Changxiang Taiping Village, such as Dacaizhuang Li Family Ancestral Hall in Weixian County, Nuanquan Ancient Town, Xiguobao, Flying Fox Valley, Weizhou Department (Weixian Paper Cutting Museum), and other specialties, such as Weizhou Tribute Rice, Peach Blossom Millet in Weixian County, Weixian Millet, Apricot Flat in Weizhou County, and Dried Papaya and Apricot in Weixian County.