One, living habits:
The Miao people pay attention to etiquette, all kinds of occasions are the eldest and youngest in order, the size of the difference. In the past, Hmong families generally eat first, women eat after the mother can sometimes eat with her husband and son at the same table, but daughters and daughters-in-law always eat after. If the family came to the guests, dining male guests accompanied by male dining, female guests accompanied by female food. If the old and the young eat at the same table, sit on the old man, the rest will sit separately.
The old, the young, or the main, the guest with the fire pit side of the fire to talk, near the center of the column of the party used to let the elders, the old man or the guest to sit. When the family goes out, the husband and wife go together, the man in front and the woman behind, and to maintain a certain distance. When fathers and sons walk together, sons under 20 years old must walk behind their fathers, otherwise they will be regarded as impolite.
Second, customs:
1, diet:
The Miao diet has its own characteristics. Qian Dongnan, Xiangxi, Hainan Island and Guangxi Rongshui Miao, the staple food for rice, but also corn, sweet potatoes, millet and other miscellaneous grains; Guizhou Northwest, Sichuan South, Northeast Yunnan Miao, corn, potatoes, buckwheat, oats and other staple foods. There are many kinds of side dishes, including meat, home-raised livestock, poultry and fish, and vegetables such as beans, vegetables and melons, in addition to collecting wild vegetables and engaging in fishing and hunting to supplement.
2. Marriage:
The process of contracting a Miao marriage is very complicated, and the wedding ceremony is also extremely complex. In the Bijie area and Pingbian in Yunnan Province, the marriage is usually performed by the bride walking to her husband's home without paying homage. But the western Hunan region is sitting in a sedan chair, Weining region is sitting in a sedan chair or riding a horse. Xuanen bride to her husband's home, must enter the cave from the side door, and accompanied by the unmarried girl tray to invite the bride and groom to drink the "cup of wine".
Miao culture and art:
1, Miao music, colorful. There are folk song tunes, Lusheng tunes, Zuo Na tunes and Ceqin tunes, of which the most prevalent are folk song tunes and Lusheng tunes, while Lusheng tunes are the most representative tunes in Miao music.
2. Miao folk crafts such as flower picking, embroidery, brocade weaving, batik and silver jewelry are magnificent and colorful. With a wax knife dipped in wax on white cloth after drawing a good pattern pattern, immersed in the dyeing tank dyeing, and then boiled in water, stripped of yellow wax is now blue with white patterns of batik process, has been about thousands of years of history, in the Miao folk is widely circulated.
3. The oral literature of the Miao people is very well developed, and it is voluminous, rich in content, varied in form and superb in art, including ancient songs, legends, folk tales, ballads, narrative poems, proverbs and aphorisms, and other styles. - Miao