Who has this little apple symbol on his hand, send it to me.
Simply put, the logo typed out on the mac computer is sent to the iPhone, and then in the iPhone's custom dictionary to add the logo this "word" in the Settings - General - Keyboard ---- Edit the user dictionary, which adds a copy of the apple icon on it As for the sending of the As for the method of sending, there are many methods, e-mail, SMS or anything else, I just use the mailbox on the computer to send one to myself, and then read it on the iPhone can be, the following posting First, in the computer to send the Apple logo icon, but also this:? :, non-mac users directly copy and paste on it, win system under the display box, it does not matter, to the iPhone is the apple again to emphasize the icon is that box, win is below the display box, only mac is apple, you want to icon copy box on the line There are still no add students hurry up to add up oh, only the ios system to display ha, other cell phones are not robot can not