The knee joint has a layer of articular cartilage on the surface of the bone, which is like putting a "helmet" on the bone of the knee joint. The knee joint is one of the weight-bearing joints of the whole body, and many of the actions in square dancing can lead to wear and tear of the knee cartilage, and the "helmet" is broken, resulting in the joint lifting the surface of the unevenness and friction increase, further aggravating the damage to the articular cartilage, which in turn causes joint pain.
1. According to the ability to do: not all people can dance, for people with chronic diseases, be sure to consult a doctor before exercise, to see what level of exercise is suitable for the current state of health.
2. Posture is important: try to avoid: fast panning, deep squatting, big jump, these three actions will increase the load-bearing burden on the knees, accelerating the process of wear and tear of joint cartilage.
3. Pay attention to the rhythm: older people, you should choose a slightly slower tempo of the square dance. If the tempo is too fast, the frequency of movement will be faster in order to keep up with the rhythm. This may also speed up the wear and tear on the joints.
4. Moderation: Square dancing is for fitness, and a slight sweat and a slightly faster heartbeat will do. But if the intensity is too strenuous, more than its age-corresponding exercise load, not only the joint wear and tear increased, but also increase the burden on the heart and lungs, and even the risk of cardiovascular accidents, this is to strengthen the body, but in the end it is counterproductive. As for the length, according to the 2008 edition of the U.S. Sports Guide (PhysicalActivityGuideline), for dancing such aerobic exercise, the elderly over 65 years old, the recommended length of 5 hours per week.
5. Armed: Cement and tile floors, are hard surfaces, and every time you jump, the impact is transmitted directly from the feet to the knee joints. If there is no good cushioning, the impact on the joints are great. If you can choose a rubberized floor, it is good. But most venues are hard ground. Therefore, the conditions of the square dance enthusiasts, try to choose a good cushioning performance of sports shoes, good sports shoes, can filter out a lot of impact, the burden on the knee joint will be much lighter.
Square dance, don't get hurt
Square dance inevitably have jumped "high" time. After exercising too much, older people's recovery ability is weaker, back pain, knee pain are very common. Most of the time, symptoms improve with plenty of rest, but there are times when you may need to see a doctor.
1 joint swelling: the knee joint, for example, once the joint tissue damage or inflammation, the synovial membrane in the knee joint capsule is congested and edema, synovial fluid secretion increases, and the joint capsule fluid gradually accumulates, which is what the old people called "joint effusion", leading to progressive swelling. At this point, it is necessary to go to the hospital, let the doctor to help you diagnose, whether ligament, meniscus injury or synovitis, arthritis occurred.
2. Unbearable pain: Muscle soreness, which we have all felt, is mostly caused by lactic acid buildup in the muscles. There are also times when there is an inflammatory reaction around the joints or chronic strain, and this needs to be treated with medication with the help of a doctor. There are times when there is heel pain, ankle pain, the exact cause can not be generalized, and even serious cases of fatigue fractures have been found it.
So, if you are experiencing unbearable pain in a certain area, and there is no significant relief after resting, you need to go to the hospital quickly to find a doctor. The symptoms, don't just hold on to it.
Square dance accidental injury self-treatment
The elderly motor function than the young time to lose a lot of muscle, ligament elasticity is not as good as before. Therefore, sprains and other accidents during exercise are common.
Once injured, do not panic, before going to the hospital, you can also carry out simple treatment.
1. Ice: Instead, wrap ice in a clean fabric (towel, clothes) and apply it to the injured area. The purpose of doing this is to constrict blood vessels, reduce local blood seepage and minimize swelling. However, it is important to note that every 15 minutes, the ice should be removed and the next cold compress should be applied when the skin temperature of the cold compress has returned to normal body temperature. Always remember, don't apply hot compresses, hot compresses will instead aggravate edema and bleeding, remember!
2. Fixation: Once injured, many friends will habitually rub the injured joint, which is wrong. Whether or not a fracture or a tear of the ligament occurs, the injury and then go back to the activity, may aggravate the injury, or even cause secondary injury. Therefore, immediately after the injury, the injured limb should be immobilized with a hard object such as a wooden board and sent to the doctor as soon as possible.
3, do not use medicinal wine, medicinal oil: a variety of medicinal wine and medicinal oil, have dilated blood vessels, accelerate the function of local blood circulation. But in the acute stage of trauma, the use of these drugs, all will aggravate the local bleeding and swelling. Therefore, without the guidance of a professional doctor, try not to use any topical drugs.