St. Peter's Basilica Front Piazza and Colonnade of St. Peter's Basilica Front Piazza and Colonnade of St. Peter's Basilica Design Appreciation Points

For example, the design of St. Peter's Basilica Piazza and Colonnade, which is admired here, once again brought his talent to the forefront because of the Pope's high regard for him. Benigni was the chief architect of the Holy See, and in 1656 he was commissioned by the Pope to design the square in front of St. Peter's Basilica. This square is oval in shape, about three and a half hectares in circumference, with a towering obelisk in the center and a fountain on each side. In front of the cathedral there is a trapezoidal square. This circular square is connected to it. In front of the small trapezoidal square is a tilted stage, where the Pope celebrates Mass on important days. Thus the oval square became an auditorium, capable of accommodating the faithful who gathered from all directions. The two sides of the square were formed in an arc of huge, interconnected colonnades. From a height, the two sides of the arc of the colonnade as if the Pope stretched out two hands, all the believers to participate in the Mass into their own benevolent embrace, showing the artist's mind, so that this Baroque architectural style can better serve the religion. In order to achieve harmony with the magnificent St. Peter's Basilica and its dome in style, this square colonnade using a kind of imposing thick Tuscan columns, that is, each row of four giant columns, *** counting 284 columns; and in each column on the side of the statue, *** counting 165 statues. Columns and columns, mutual reflection, people into this colonnade will feel the complex effect of light and dark. In terms of artistic treatment, this is one of the most mature masterpieces in the Piazza Bernini complex. In addition, Benigni also rebuilt a tunnel leading to the Vatican's Holy See beyond the colonnade that surrounds the Piazza della Biasa. The only drawback is that the magnificent dome of St. Peter's Basilica is not fully visible from the piazza. This is a visual difference that Bernini did not estimate when designing.