What is cowboy dance

Cowboy dance is originally a kind of tap dance of cowboys in the western United States, which was popular in the second and thirties of the twentieth century. During the Second World War, American soldiers brought the cowboy dance to Britain, due to the impact of the war, people's mood to have fun in time, resulting in the development of cowboy dance to the point of madness. Cowboy originated from the American black dance, is a kind of fast-paced, exhausting dance. It was spread by American sailors in World War II. The melody is cheerful, strong jumping, and the rhythm is 4/4 beat, 42 to 44 bars per minute, six beats and eight steps. It is a combination of basic steps, parallel steps, jumps and rotations. It requires the feet to be on the ground and the waist and hips to swing in a pendulum style. It is characterized by agile steps, jumping, and relaxed, enthusiastic and cheerful dance posture. Originally from the United States, the original American western cowboys tap dance, the popularity of jazz in the 50s, accelerated and perfected this dance, but the style of the American western cowboys to maintain the robust, romantic, bold style.