I wish you'll be with me for a long time Lyrics

Lyrics to Faye Wong's song "But I Wish It Lasts Forever":

When will the moon come out and I'll ask the sky for a drink

I don't know what year it is in the sky

I want to ride the wind and return to the world, but I'm afraid of the jeweled towers and jade houses

I can't bear to be cold in a high place

I'm not like being on earth when I'm dancing

I'll turn to a cold pavilion, and I'll look down at the beautiful house, and I won't be able to sleep

I don't deserve to hate you. I'd like to go home, but I don't want to be in a jade palace

I can't stand the cold

It's like being on earth

It's like being on earth

It's like being in a jade palace, but it's like being on earth

It's like being in a jade palace I don't want to hate you

What's the matter with you when you're apart

There are sorrows and joys in the world, and the moon is full of sorrows and happiness

This is a matter that can't be resolved

But I wish we could be together for a long time, a thousand miles away

It's a long time coming.