Lately I've been listening to a song sung by Mao Yiqi, who has been very popular lately, if one day I become rich. He wrote this song because one day he suddenly realized that he had too little money on his account and he needed to spend too much. And this song is deep in my heart and totally sings to my heart.
If one day I become rich my first choice is not to travel the world, but to lie in the world's biggest and softest sofa, eat and sleep, sleep and eat first for a year. People spend their entire lives working for money, students study hard, workers work hard, and everyone does their best to be the best they can be.
For the sake of being able to have a good life, to be able to become rich. If one day I have a billion dollars I would want to think about nothing, do nothing, and enjoy life to the fullest during the year, enjoying the joy of heaven.
If one day I become rich I will buy all the rare smiling faces and make all the poor children no longer timid. One of the phenomena in society now is that the poor starve to death and the rich die of satiety. There is so much unfairness in this world, and many people are doomed from birth.
This one hundred million I want to donate to the poor mountain children part, because the summer vacation to travel, I saw a lot of mountain children are very poor, they live in a very steep mountain, at any time may be because of the mountain of falling rocks and life-threatening. Looking at those yellowish children I thought if I had money I would help them out of their misery.
These two sentences are my favorite, in addition I also hope that I can let my mom and dad live a good life, do not have to be in order to me and save money, I buy them a lot of beautiful clothes, I give them the best conditions, I buy them the best skincare, so that they do not grow old, the first half of life hard work for them. The second half of my life I want to use my ability to repay them.
I want to buy all the beautiful clothes I can't afford to buy, high-end cosmetics. I enjoy the feeling of spending money without having to think twice, without having to think twice, without having to think twice, without having to think twice, without having to think twice, without having to think twice, without having to think twice. I don't need to be stared at by the waitresses anymore, and I don't need to be told that I can't afford to look at them.
I will have a huge party to thank all the people who have helped me in these years, if not for them in these years, I can not get better and better, I have to know how to be grateful.
I want to study abroad, I don't want a boring life, I like to be different. More energy can give me more different experiences. People need to discover and experiment in their lives. Being abroad allows me to look at the strengths and weaknesses of foreigners, and to take advantage of their strengths and make up for their weaknesses. We have all heard the saying that you learn as you live.
I will buy a few more houses because the price of housing is very high now. And I believe it will stay high and not drop in price. I can rent out the house first and then sell it again with interest and profit, so I won't lose money in any case.