01. Tidy up the house regularly, scrub the windowsill glass, and clean up once a week.
02. Clean up the closet, neatly fold the clothes
03. Give the closet to do the next storage, neat closet will make the mood better
04. Will not want to clean out the clothes can be donated to the children of poor mountain areas
05. Clean up WeChat messages, clean up the albums, do not use the software, to the cell phone to free up space
06. Idle clothes or daily necessities, you can also hang the second-hand website for sale
07. Clean up the computer memory and clean up the computer desktop
08. Organize the bookcase, so that the bookcase neat and tidy
09. Cleaning the refrigerator, clean up the food placed for a long time
10. Cleaning up the unused clutter
Enjoy life11. What kind of books you like
12. Go to the library and pick a favorite book when you have free time and read it quietly
13. Make a big meal by yourself, you can search for tutorials to do it
14. Go to the night market and experience the human world
15. Take the bus, listen to the music and watch the scenery when you are bored and sitting alone on the bus is very therapeutic
16. 16. boil tea or brew coffee, with a cup of quiet look out the window
17. soak your feet, you can relax the body and mind
18. take a bath, light aromatherapy, let your body completely relax
19. drink some red wine, nestled in the watching a high score movie
20. go to the square dance, or look at the grandpa and grandma dancing
21. DIY scented candles, the process of making them is fun and healing
22. Practice yoga, feel the slow rhythm of life
23. Go to a coffee shop to drink a cup of coffee, and stare out of the window
Self-improvement24. Try to learn a musical instrument, and find the one that you like
5. Learn photography, improve the aesthetics and the ability to compose a picture
26. learn ps skills
27. learn sketching and oil painting
28. practice writing, you can find books about writing to read
29. learn knowledge of the tea ceremony
30. learn to dance, find your own favorite
31. get a motorcycle license
32. practicing calligraphy, you can cultivate the stillness of qi
34. Try to cook western food
35. Practice meditation, which can improve concentration
36. Record life VLOG and post it online
37. Improve your temperament, do yoga or stand against a wall
38. Watch high scoring movies to broaden your cognition
39. Watch TED Talks, to improve your ability to express yourself
Get close to nature
40. go for a walk in the park more often
41. go hiking more often to feel the healing power of nature
42. plant flowers and vegetables, and take care of them
43. ride around a lake or in a park
44. go to a monastery to experience the ultimate peace and relaxation
Build a good relationship with your family
45. send a greeting to a close friend you haven't talked to in a long time
46. write a letter to your future self
47. call your parents and nag them
48. write a letter to your family and write what is usually hard to say
49. pick out a gift from your heart for someone you care about
Doing what you like
50.Going to see the animals51.Going to do charity work, going to a nursing home or an animal rescue station52.Going to shopping, pawing for treasures
53.Writing book notes and posting them on the Internet54.Organize your favorite copywriters or golden sentences, and copy them down55.You can write freely about your own life experiences and share them56.Watching a high-scoring movie can write a movie review in self media movie can write a movie review and post it on your self-media account
57.Learn to bake and make a pastry for yourself
58.Go to a dessert store and pick out your favorite cake
59.Take a portrait as a souvenir
60.Go to a hot spring for a relaxing soak
61.Go to a massage for a relaxing massage
62.Experience a Camping on top of a mountain to see the sunset and sunrise
63.See a drama show
64.Give your hair a treatment, which can be done once a month
65.Watch a funny movie and relax
66.Go for a facial
67.Experience a taozhi
68.Love yourself well, don't bother pleasing others and Don't care too much about what others see.
69. go to that place you've always wanted to go and do a good job of it 70. write a wish list and finish punching the clock 71. practice flower arranging
72. try out different styles of dressing
73. try to do your own manicure
74. practice dressing up and make different combinations with the clothes you have available 75. Make a list of books that you have collected for a long time and make a reading plan76.Spend a month to develop a good micro-habit, such as not stilting your legs77.Learn to sing
78.Get some gold certificates
79.Try to get up early, such as waking up at 5:30am
80.Go to eat at an ambient restaurant you have never been to before81.Learn to put on a different Learn to put on different styles of makeup
82.Remodel old things and experience the process
Enjoy the art
83.Go to a painting exhibition
84.Go to a tear-jerking movie alone
85.Practice calligraphy or recite the Hairpin Eben alas Repulsive Stabbing Van Bin sentence
86.Sneak around the park to see the grandpas' square dances, feel the happy atmosphere 87. do light clay crafts
88. seriously visit a museum 89. go to a concert
Repeat and goals
90. do exercise program and implement 91. pay attention to international events, watch the news more often 92. learn about financial management, will earn money and also be able to manage the money
93. look for a side hustle to enhance income 94. learn to become beautiful ideas. Read more fashion magazines 95.Set yourself a small goal in the near future 96.Review your recent gains
97.Listen to reading software to improve your knowledge base
98.Try to do self-media, and do what you're good at
99.Do a review once a week, and see what you've got to live up to 100.Ask yourself why you live, and think seriously about life's meaning