Are there no good people in the world? ?

There is only one good man in the world, that is, God the Father, and the only good man is Jesus Christ (he is a complete person (physical body) and a complete god (attribute temperament)).

If people are pure, there are no good people, all of them are sinners. Criminals are also divided into two categories, one is to admit that they are sinners and the other is not to admit that they are sinners.

Anyone who confesses that he is a sinner will be saved by the Savior Jesus Christ, because God loves the world, and even sent his only son to be crucified for the sins of mankind, so that he can bear the punishment due to the sins of others, save people from the rule of sin and death, and give the life that God loves to all those who trust in him. In this way, those who admit that they deserve to die and perish, are weak and miserable, and admit that they are sinners, are justified by faith. Jesus Christ came as the redeemer and savior of sinners. Those who do not admit that they are sinners do not share the salvation of his cross. Those who accept redemption, because grace can enter Noah's ark for nothing, just need to believe.

Those who do not admit that they are sinners do not accept Jesus Christ as their savior. Then he will bear his own sins and transgressions, and finally his soul will enter eternal sinking, hell and lake of fire. Because he didn't believe in the truth, he regarded God's kindness and faithfulness as a liar, lost eternal redemption and shut himself up in heaven.

The Bible says that there are no upright people, not one. The wages of sin (the reward of criminals) are hell (insects don't go out, fire doesn't go out). The selfish and sinful nature of human beings determines that no one is a good person, because God does not look at people's appearance or judge right and wrong by their external behavior, but at their hearts.

According to fate: everyone will die, and there will be a trial after death. But God doesn't want everyone to die and live a life of crime, so he sent his beloved son Jesus Christ to the darkest generation of Roman soldiers to preach God's love and the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and to heal the sad and poor. Finally, it was rejected by religion, politics and culture-everything on the earth, and United to nail the beloved son of death. Jesus Christ rose from the dead three days after his death and appeared to more than 500 disciples. Now he ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father, waiting for the day of judgment.

The human standard is 65438+ 10,000 people, and the 10,000 standard. The standards of the world are relative, that is to say, there is no standard, because everyone is lying, and he is his own standard. But that's not the case! There is only one truth, and there is only one truth. Anyone who does not agree with the truth is condemned and hypocritical. Because the truth is true and will never change! Everything that is real is absolute! As long as it is mixed with a little falsehood, it is false. Truth will not be discounted because of people's faith or unbelief. Once discounted, it is not true. Only true will be true! It doesn't matter whether it's fake or not. It's all a question of compatibility. Only real RMB can crack down on fake RMB. Only those who truly know God, believe in Jesus Christ and have the truth of the Bible will give you true and definite facts and correct answers, because the Bible is God's most precious gift to mankind. All human problems are recorded in it. But people don't accept the truth and despise it because of their own sins and lies. From presidents and scientists to poor peasants, a highly respected Bible of God is denied by a superstition or fairy tale. I wish I had listened to the Bible pastor first, instead of reading the Bible with prejudice, because it is useless to read the Bible with the wrong heart. With an attitude of seeking knowledge, I suggest listening to the shepherd's sermon. The internet is very developed now. I really want to know God and seek God. There are many resources on the Internet, but in order to avoid going astray and not being able to tell the truth from the false, it is suggested that newcomers go to regular websites to study the Bible after praying, and learn about God by reading the Bible and praying.

Truth says that if you don't kill, then killing is a crime.

It is contrary to the principle of filial piety to parents.

Truth says don't worship false gods, but idols. Anyone who worships and bows down to other gods worships false gods, such as fame and fortune, money, knowledge, gods, immortals and celebrities. Are all crimes.

Truth says there is no righteous man, not one. Those who admit and accept the truth are righteous, and those who deny the truth are sinners.

Truth is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ lives completely according to the Bible, which is to witness Jesus Christ.

May God bless the friends who read this.