Guangxi square dance competition an old man died during the performance, the scene specifically what is the situation?

September 28, 2020, Guangxi Luocheng held the sixth group of square dance competition, the competition *** more than 50 teams to participate in the competition, the momentum is very large. When the competition was in the afternoon, a team of old ladies in yellow dresses went on stage, and on the way to the performance, an old lady suddenly fell to the ground. A grandmother next to her saw her fall and stopped, very hesitant to continue the performance. The other old ladies, however, bypassed the old lady and continued to perform, not stopping the show at the first opportunity to show their concern for the old lady's condition. Medical personnel rushed to the scene after the old lady was resuscitated, but the old lady is still resuscitated to death. After the accident, the organizers called off the competition and canceled the next series of awards.

In my opinion, I think these old ladies were a bit cold. Old people often have a lot of accidents, and small bumps and bruises can be very dangerous to the elderly. However, the other old ladies continued their performance even after she had fallen to the ground. To put it nicely, they were professional and did not panic in case of accidents, but to put it bluntly, they did not care about the life and death of the old lady. The right thing to do is to call 120 and send the old lady to the hospital immediately after she fell to the ground, or those who know first aid measures can give her first aid. A race is not as important as someone's life.

I also recommend that you love square dancing old lady, must regularly check their own physical condition, high blood pressure or heart problems of the elderly is recommended or do not go to the square dance. Because dancing is also a sport, in the process of exercise people's blood pressure is likely to rise, leading to accidents in the elderly.

A little hobby to pass the time is a good thing, but because of the hobby of killing themselves is very bad. In the square dance, older people, be careful not to do too intense movements, including rapid circles or high leg and so on, and do not be too close to the bystanders, so as to avoid the two collision occurred bump bump bump.