Many students with no basic knowledge of dance always feel that their movements are very stiff and have no sense of beauty, in addition to the basic skills of the reason, there may be insufficient body rhythm, so how to practice to strengthen the rhythm?
One, what is the rhythm of dance?
Rhythm is the core of dance, and it is one of the most important elements that give dance its soul. If the rhythm of music is the beat, then the rhythm of the body is the rhythm! Rhythm is a kind of dance feeling, it is the swaying or up and down of the body, which reflects the rhythmic nature of the movement, that is, to express the movement according to a certain speed combined with the music, and then to keep the rhythm, and to add the movement on the basis of the rhythm.
Whenever we hear a piece of music, we first have to get the body in rhythm, so that the rhythm of the body and the rhythm of the music are aligned. Get into the habit of moving, and dance with the rhythm, so that your dance comes out alive and is not stiff.
How do I practice to strengthen my body's rhythm?
1. Listen to more music
The first thing you need to do is listen to more music. Try a variety of styles of music, as long as their favorite hiphop, jazz, rock&roll, pop, etc., in the practice of rhythm at the same time, the training of the body's instinctive response, so that the body habitually follow the music dance.
2. Dance to music
When practicing in class, in addition to counting beats and practicing the basics, you can also work with different types of music and let your body dance at will. You can do some basic up-downs or waves, incorporating the basic moves you've learned in class into the music, and exposing your body to different movements to practice flexibility and coordination.
3. Emotional exercises
Rhythm is also a way to express emotions, no matter what the style, from the emotions to drive the body from the body to enhance the emotions! So while listening and dancing more, you can also practice your emotions or consciously practice your emotions and train yourself for emotional control and rhythm.