Mutual trust is the only way to win
The Tortoise and Hare Race classmates first asked the question, is it only this race? No, we still have to continue to race it, the first rabbit lost, the rabbit is not convinced, asked to race the second, the second tortoise and hare race, the rabbit learns from experience, do not sleep, a breath of air to the finish line, so the second tortoise and hare race is the rabbit won. The tortoise lost, the tortoise is not convinced that we asked to race again for the third time that race, the tortoise said the first two times are your designated route to run, and now have to run by my designated route, the rabbit wants to run faster than you anyway, good Designated route to run, the results of the rabbit and run to the front, the end of the river blocked the road, the rabbit can not get through the tortoise slowly climbed to the turtle swam across the river, the third tortoise and hare race is the tortoise won! So the two thought of the race for the fourth time, we old race why, competition, let's cooperate, let's complement each other's strengths, so complement each other's strengths, complement each other's strengths on land, the hare ran with the tortoise, the tortoise swam across the river when the tortoise carried the hare, the two people at the same time to reach the end of the win-win results. So this story tells us that the four races of the tortoise and the hare have four important lessons for our students' development.
The first important revelation is that the important revelation of the first race is that when you are at a disadvantage, do not be discouraged and do not slacken off, but persevere and wait for the opponent to make mistakes, you see if the first race of the tortoise and the hare, the hare ran in front of the tortoise to see, well, I can not win how to win, I gave up the good, you gave up the right to go to bed, or it won because it woke up to the end of its run. As a result, the tortoise persevered and waited for his opponent to make a mistake, and sure enough, the rabbit made a mistake and slept halfway through the race, so he won, the first race this revelation.
The revelation of the second race, we should be good at turning potential advantages into real advantages, the rabbit can run is a potential advantage, the first time it sleeps, it does not run it did not transform, the second time it ran to the finish line in one breath, the potential advantage into a real advantage, so the second time the rabbit won, for each of us, do not go to talk about your potential advantages, focus on the transformation.
The third race of the tortoise and the hare gives you inspiration, when you find the original strategy does not work, to adjust the strategy in time to change the strategy. After the second race, the tortoise knows a truth, as long as along the original route, even if run 10,000 times is the hare win, I never win the possibility, as long as it does not sleep is it win ah, how to do it, timely adjustment of the strategy to change the route to run a river to block the road, your advantage can not be played out, so the third race is the result of the timely adjustment of the strategy.
The fourth race is a revelation of cooperation, complementary advantages, win-win situation are built on the basis of mutual trust, mutual trust. You see, if you don't trust each other, can you? Well, on land, the rabbit ran with the tortoise, the rabbit played bad, turn the corner, a twist of the tortoise fell a serious injury how to cross the river when the tortoise down a sinking rabbit drowned how to do, so it must be on the basis of mutual trust in order to win-win.