I know that there is a popular Japanese group called kat-tun, who is the leader of this group?

Captain: Ueda Ryuya

Kat-tun consists of six members: Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin, Nakamaru Yuuichi, Ueda Ryuya, Taguchi Junnosuke, and Tanaka Sei

Akanishi Jin (akanishi jin)

Birthday: July 4, 1984

Place of birth: Tokyo

Blood type: o

Height: 176cm

Weight: 58kg

Weigh: 5.5kg

Height: 176cm

Weight: 58kg

Shoe size: 26.5

Family: Parents/Brother

Favorite sport: Soccer

Preferred brand: HISTRICH GLAMMER

Names of the family's dogs: テン和マル(Tein is マル's father ^-^)

< p>Ren's Almanac


December 31-January 1 COUNT CONCERT [johnny's "big surprise" countdown]

December 28-29 kat -tun winter concert [kat-tun live pirate sail]

December 13-16 Nippon Television single-issue TV series [The most annoying Christmas]

November 12 participated in the Niigata Chuketsu Earthquake relief activities

November 4 Nippon Television Decided to star in the TV series 『Yakuza Fresh Master』in and Kame

August 8-29 [johnny's theater "summary" of johnny's world]

July 24th Taki & Tsubasa concert Bangkok, Thailand

July 16th oa TV Asahi [music station]

July 4th Taki & Tsubasa concert at Tokyo International Forum, guest starring with Kame

May 28th oa TV Asahi [music station]

May 8th~23rd Umeda Ishigizuku Theater [johnny's theater "summary" of johnny's world]

May 8th~23rd Umeda Ishigizuku Theater [johnny's theater "summary" of johnny's world]

May 8th~29th May 8-23 Umeda Stone Lion Theater [dream boy] "takki" edited

April 30-May 7 Umeda Stone Lion Theater [dream boy] kat-tun & Seki Jini 8 edited

January 8-January 31 Teikoku Theater Stage play [dream boy]


December 31 ~ January 1 count concert

December 8 kat-tun 1st photo book [kat-tun 1st.in new york] on sale

November 18 ~ oa Rakuten [xylitol match plusx green apple]cm

August 12~20 [kat-tunの大冒険 de show]

August 8~10 kat-tun summer concert [ ko nianmo ah taiヘン thanku natsu]

August 1~3, beach volleyball 2003! Sang "distant promise" and other songs, and also commented on the match

July 29, In-game participated in the press conference of [beach volleyball 2003]

Summer teenage name of the book vol.12/length of 175.6cm, weight of 56kg, size of the shoes 26.5cm

July 25 Asahi TV [ music station]

Television Asahi. music station]

July 23 『laughing っていいとも』kat-tun

July 9 [kat-tunの大冒険deshow]记者见面会

May 13 kat-tun summer concert schedule published! & published Thailand Garth jr. established

April 16 nhkbs-2 [ザ 少年倶楽部]

March 31 [universal studio japan2 anniversary バースデーイベント]

March 29 ~ May 5 peers [Takeru & Tsubasa concert "tobe, tobe tenmade tobe"]

March 19 ~ 24 [パタヤミュージックフェスティバル2003]

March 4 ~ Rakuten Kurankei "fresh white" on sale! new cm 『クセ编』 <

February 26 - KAT-TUN solo concert vhs & dvds released

January 8 - Shock is real shock


November 22 - TV Asahi's music station

October 19-20 - Takeru's "Fresh White"

This is the first time that Rakuten's "Fresh White" has been released. October 19-20 [Taki & Tsubasa hatachi de debut giant hits concert with all Johnny's jr.]

September 8 oanhkbs-2 [ザ?倶楽部]

September 8 oanhkbs-2 [ザ? Junior倶楽部]

9月3日ロッテクランキー的cm出演! [Capsule's Rustic Sound Edit]

August 26-28 Matsuzukiza, Osaka kat-tun concert

August 10-11 Kokusai Plaza, Tokyo kat-tun single concert

August 9 OAOA Asahi Television (music station)

August 9 KAT-tun concert. KAT-TUN's solo concert on August 7

Guest appearance at the Kansai Boys' Concert (another)

June 4 - end of June [SHOCK]

May 17-19 Taki & Tsubasa's Taiwan performance

April, KAT-TUN vol. 11 /Length: 174 cm. Weight 55kg Shoe size 26.5cm

April 27-29 [Kickodaiba2002]

March 29-May 6 [Zuni Junior Concert TAKI & Tsubasa Zuni Junior General Appearance]


March 16-March 19, 2002 [Kickodaiba2002]

March 16, 2002 [Zuni Junior Concert]

March 17-May 19, 2002 [Zuni Junior Concert]

Taki-Yuka's Taiwan performance. >

March 16 oa Nippon Television 『the night もヒッパレ!』. First appearance as kat-tun

March 9 oa Nippon Television [the night's mo hikpare!]


December 1 ~ appeared in the show drama [shock]

October ~ oa Nippon Television [japan☆walker]! Turtle, Doojin together in "a roof" to implement the greening project on the house

October 7 Zunis Great Games

Autumn Junior Namekan vol. 10/length 174cm weight 55kg shoe size 26.5cm

July 1 oa ~ Nippon Television [Tomorrow's J]

May 11-13 with the kinki kids with Hong Kong, Taiwan

May 11-13 with the kinki kids with Hong Kong, Taiwan

The first time I saw this show, I was in the show. Kids Hong Kong, Taiwan

May 3~June 3 [Zunisen Junior concert Taki & Tsubasa 21st Century Duel]

April ~ oa Asahi TV [Naked Junior]

April 7 nhk [pop jam] officially appeared as kat-tun

April ~ September oa starred in ft shiseido [shibu leeds] cm

Spring Junior Namekan vol. 9 / Length 174cm Weight 55kg Shoe size 26.5cm

March winkupMarch issue with Yamap, Dojin. Jimmy on the cover

February 25 oa abc broadcast [The Boys in the True Night] debut

February 18 oa Nippon Television [The Worst Date Ever ~ The Worst Netizen Ever! ~] Manjiro

January ~ March oa TV Asahi's drama [Your oracle Yoshi is crying] Naoto Inoue


December 9 Wildball Boinjapan ~阪神タイガースオリックスブル-wave Osaka Kintetsu buffer rosej2000 Mixed team game. Venue Osaka Giant Bomb.

November 26 oa Nippon Television [Horrible Sunday 21st ~ final ~]

November 2 ~ November 26 [2000 shock]

September 2 oa Nippon Television 『the night もヒッパレ! First appearance

September ~oa rote ice "Sharp" cm with Takizawa-kun & Makino-kun***

September 3 ~ October 15 [Zunisen Junior <Tokyo ※ Osaka ※ Nagoya <3 Big Bomb Concerts]

September won the 1st Junior Figh in nhkbs-2 [Junior Juju Club]

The first Junior Figh. July-December Nippon Television's "Horrible Sunday"

Summer Teen Namekan vol.8 /Height 173cm Weight 50kg Shoe size 26.5cm

May 18th oa Fuji TV's TV series "The Sun That Never Sets", 6th episode

April 3rd-May 7th in the "Zuni Teen Spring Concert 2000"! Concert 2000" from April 3rd to May 7th!

April ~ June oa appeared in the nhk drama [dress up, here first]! Yamato Blue Hara

nhkbs-2 "ザ? Junior Club" started broadcasting

March 20, participated in the j2000×Osaka Kintetsu Buffer Rose Special Team Competition. Place Osaka Giant Bomb

Spring Teenage Namekan vol.7 Height 172cm, Weight 52kg, Shoe size 26.5cm

February 13th oa nhkbs-2 "mj" debut performance


December 19th oa nhkbs-2 "Horror Sunday - New Chapter - Part 12 - Yagatanzan ~"

The first episode was broadcasted by Nihon TV. 12 ~Yakkatayama~]

December 18 j2000 Taiwan Earthquake Charity Baseball Tournament

October ~ December oatv Asahi [Best Partner] Shibuya Ryouta

October 17 oa Japan tv [Scary Sunday-New Chapter-3 - Starfish]

October 9 Zuni Junior Special Express <10/9 >Pitch <10/9> Concert Tokyo dome

September 22 oatv Asahi [8 o'clock j] final

September 1 oa tv Asahi '8 o'clock j'

September oa nippon tv [Scary Sunday ~ cell phone]

August oa nippon tv [Scary Sunday ~ drowned teenager]

The p>Junior Namekan vol .6 / Length 168cm?Weight 48kg?Shoe size 26.5cm

May 26th oa Asahi TV [8 o'clock j]

May 16th oa Nippon TV 『っポイ!」. 2nd Murata

April 18 oa Nippon Television [热血恋爱道~Pisces's a-type boy] マサル

February 8 oa tv Tokyo Department [Love LOVE BIG]

January 17 oa tv Nippon Department 『热血恋爱道~Leo's a-type boy』 Suzuki Nobuhiko

January 13 oa Asahi TV [ 8 hours dj]


December 27th~January 6th of the following year [Zunis Junior Winter Concert]

December kinki kids' concert first appearance

December 11th oa mステ first appearance! happyhappygreeting』

December, the first appearance of Junior Myojo vol 5/length 167cm?weight 46kg?shoe size 26.5cm

The seniors I respect most are Takizawa and Aiba

November 8 joined the office

April, the first appearance of April myojo

The second appearance of OA mステ first! Second time on stage [この芝居には燃えたね~]Playing a passerby


Ren first performance! Bunkaikai [ブレーメンの音楽隊]

龟梨和也 かめなしかずや kamenashi kazuya

Birthday: February 23, 1986

Birthplace: Tochigi Prefecture

Hometown: Tokyo

Blood type: b type

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Height: 171cm

Weight: 50kg

Circumference: b70|h60.5|w85

Body fat percentage: 6.5%

Vision: 1.0 right, 1.0 left

Foot length: 26.5cm

Grip: 40kg right, 39kg left

Family members: Parents, brother 4 years older, brother 2 years older

Member of the family: Parents, brother 4 years older, sister 2 years older, sister 2 years older. older brother, 2 years older brother, 2 years younger brother

Joined: November 8, 1998

Groups they've been in: "j2000", "kat-tun"

TV they've appeared in: ntv - "Terrorist Sunday" ("恐怖い日曜日")

"ジャパン☆ウォーカー" (《japan walker》)

"the night もヒッパレ" (《今夜也疯狂》)


tbs-"3年b组金八先生" (《3年b组金八老师》)


nhk-「ポップジャム」(《pop jam》)

Starred in advertisements:lotte「クランキー, Pop jam" ("プラスx")

演演过的舞台剧:"shock"、"dream boy"、"summary"、"HEY! SAY! DREAM BOY"


Maintenance records

Namekan 6 first debut: 160 │ 43 │ 26

Namekan 7: 160 │40│26

Namekan 8: 165│44│26.5

Namekan 9: 168.5│47│26.5

Namekan 10: 170│46│26

Namekan 11: 170│46│26.5

Namekan 12: 171│52│26.5

Namekan 13 : 171│53│ 26.5

Previously attended school: Private Oshirasu Shinmei Kindergarten (Lily Class)

Edoigawa Ward Rikkyo Oshirasu Second Elementary School

Edoigawa Rikkyo Matsue Third Junior High School

Toritsu Mizumoto Senior High School (suspended in the second year of high school)

Participated in the baseball team: First year of elementary school, softball team "Oshirasu Victory"

Participated in baseball teams: Elementary school, softball team " Oshirt Victory"

Sixth year of elementary school Participated in the "Junior Softball World Championship" as an infielder

Junior high school Hardball team "Edogawa East Little League"

1999 Joined j2000 east in October 1999 as a captain and pitcher


April 27-May 15, 2005 Theatre play "hey!say!dream boy"

March 26, 2005 "Toku Kou & Sosho no Sporthoe Raijin gp" (ntv) alone. March 25-27, 2005 『spring 05 looking kat-tun』concert

March 2005 lotte crunky "walking version" cmoa

< p>February 4, 2005 music station ( 『gold』, 『trip』, 『gold』<Ikuta Stajio yorisen release>)

January 28, 2005 music station ( 『gold』, 『trip』)

January 15, 2005 March 19, 2005 Japanese drama "ごくせん2"(Odagiri Ryu)

January 3, 2005 『Dekou & Shoujo no スポーツえらい 人 gp』(ntv) solo appearance

December 28, 2004 - January 10, 2005 『kat-tun live pirate sail』concert

December 28, 2004 - January 10, 2005 『kat-tun live pirate sail』concert

This concert was held on the first day of the season of "Gokusen". sail" concert

November 12, 2004 『Niigata Prefecture Nakagoshi Earthquake チャリティー ジャニーズ选抜スター野球大会』

August 8-29, 2004 Stage play 『summary』seat captain

July 16, 2004 music station ( 『ノーマター?MATAー』, 『never again』, 『jam』, 『NTV』) solo performance

December 28, 2004 - January 10, 2005 『kat-tun live pirate gp』(ntv) never again', 'jam')

May 28, 2004 music station ('freak out!!!' - try me one time, try me one time, try me one time, try me one time, try me one time, try me one time, try me one time') -try me one time, try me one night-』, 『le ciel -kunの幸せ祈る言葉-』, 『dream boy』)

May 8-23, 2004 Stage play 『dream boy』takki chapter

May 11, 2004 lotte crunky "cookie & cream" cmoa

April 30-May 7, 2004 Stage play "dream boy" kat-tun & Kwanjani 8 episodes

April 24, 2004 "dream boy" special (Kansai tv)

April 24, 2004 "dream boy" special (Kansai tv)

April 25, 2004 "dream boy" special (Kansai tv)

April 26, 2004 "dream boy" special (Kansai tv)

April 2, 2004 j-sports 2004 "Johnny's jr. baseball special" (abc Asahi Broadcasting Kansai Region)

April 2004 - Hosted by "ザ少年倶楽部"

2004年4月~ "ザ少年倶楽部"

3月1日 "Johnny's starship countdown 2003-2004" (abc Asahi Broadcasting Kansai Region)

2004年3月1日 "johnny's starship countdown 2003-2004』was released

February 21, 2004 『east vs west baseball game in Osaka ドーム』johnny's jr. baseball convention

January 8-31, 2004 Stage play 『dream boy』Empire Theater Episode

April 2004 dream boy』Empire Theater

Jan. 2, 2004 『徳光&所のスポーツえらい人gp.part18』(ntv), solo appearance

Dec. 8, 2003 kat-tun's first photo album 『kat-tun 1st. in new york』released

2003 Nov. 17 lotte plas x advertisement oa

Aug. 12-20, 2003 『kat-tunの大冒険deshow』公演

Aug. 8-27, 2003 『ko ni mo ah tai ヘン thank u natsu』concert

Aug. 1-3, 2003 『インタ ーナショナルビーチバレー2003』

July 25, 2003 music station ('stand up', 'fight all night')

May 25~August 10, 2003 kinki kids tour backing dancer

May 9, 2003 music station ('Haruko mo ah tai headin thank u natsu' concert)

August 1~3, 2003 station ('harukana constraints')

April 17, 2003 Uta Bain (backing dancer for 'forever bloods')

March 29, 2003-May 5, 2003 Tatsuki & Tsubasa tour

March 21-22, 2003 Pataya music festival 2003' in Thailand

Thailand. festival 2003』

March 2003 lotte crunky 2nd cm "クセ编 "oa

February 26, 2003 『『Okami wa kami sama concert~550,000 people love リクエストに応えて!』. dvd/vhs release

January 8, 2003 to February 25, 2003 Stage play 『shock』

November 22, 2002 music station (『heartbreak club』)

September 4, 2002 lotte crunky cm "サク声地味编 "oa/p>

2002年8月10~29日 『お客様は神サマーconcert55万人の愛のリクエストに応えて!』. Concert

August 28, 2002 A record 11 shows in one day

August 9, 2002 Music station ('overture', 'love or like', 'change')

June 4-28, 2002 Stage play 'shock'

May 17-19, 2002 "The Love of the World" ('神サマーconcert'), "The Love of the World" (「愛のリクエストに応えト」.

May 17-19, 2002 Tatsuki & Tsubasa tour

March 22-23, 2002 Thailand "Pataya music festival 2002"

February 2002-July 2002 Appeared in the movie "YAMA MOKI HIPYPALE!

Dec. 1, 2001-Jan. 27, 2002 Stage play "shock"

Sept. 14, 2001 Music station ("red sun", "tell me it's love", "Doki ni kanaru-sa" backing dancers)

August 2001 First time abroad for photo shoots

May 2001 kanaru-sa, a Korean music festival, was held in Thailand.

May 2001 kinki kids tour in Taiwan and Hong Kong

April 27, 2001 music station ('double mountain', '1day 1night', 'real dx')

April 2001~March 2002 Pop jam super stage

April 2001 appeared in "The Worst Date Ever"

April 2001 entered Metropolitan Suimoto High School

March 30, 2001 music station ("Love Melody", "Doki Tsumo Koki Tsumo", "I'll be there", "Volk's Back", "Hagane ga A") Hagane ga Aaru', 'Jun no Tame ni Minaga Iiru')

March 30, 2001 kat-tun made their debut as a group

January 26, 2001 music station ('Feel it', 'Paraiso', 'Stronger Kikishimete')

August 18, 2000 music station ('journey', 'here i am')

March 31, 2000 music station ('secret agent man', 'livin' la vida loca')

March 10, 2000 music station ('secret agent man', 'livin' la vida loca')

March 10, 2000 music station ('secret agent man', 'livin' la vida loca')

March 11, 2000 station ('secret agent man')

February 18, 2000 music station ('secret agent man')

December 10, 1999 music station ('be a man', 'back to back', 'shelter') debuted. shelter") made her debut

October 1999-March 2000 Japanese drama "3 years, group b, Mr. Kanehachi" (Akihiko Fukagawa)

August 1999 Kinki Kids and Coming Century National Tour

June 1999 First narrator of "Sunday Terror"

Junior 1999 Sunday" first-generation narrator

November 8, 1998 Joins johnny's office

April 1998 Frustrated, first time I wanted to quit baseball starting lineup

February 1998 Skipped home for the first time. Only went to a nearby park

Summer 1997 Participated in the World Cup Youth Baseball Tournament, but was eliminated in the first round

Fall 1995 Selected to play the lead role in the semester show "Toukuri and the Cat" as Ichiro Human

December 1992 Joined the baseball team of Victory

February 23, 1986 Born in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, and immediately moved to a new home in Nasu. Born in Nasu, then immediately moved to Tokyo.


Birthday: November 29, 1985

Blood type: AB

Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture

Height: 180CM

Weight: 56KG

Shoe size: 27CM

Longcomings: Smiling

Shortcomings: not steady enough, lately I keep forgetting what I just said

Special talents: keeping a smile on his face at all times. That and telling old man jokes.

Favorite food: raw fruit

Favorite number: 1129

Favorite season: summer

Favorite flower: lilies

Hate food: raw wild greens

Things that call him number one: stuntman

Goal: Can continue to try different things. Grow with other members.


Birthday: November 5, 1985

Blood type: B

Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture

Height: 170CM

Weight: 46KG

Shoe size: 25. 5CM

Longest strengths: Being very sincere to friends. Definitely keeps his word.

Shortcomings: a little impatient lately.

Special talents: finding everyone to toast. Just kidding, it's actually swimming. Piano and Karate, these 3 took him 5 years, especially Karate, which has a near black belt in it lately.

Favorite Food: Beef

Hate Food: Bell peppers, persimmon peppers, carrots

Things that call him #1: Abs. Although he was skinny in elementary school, he started to be able to work on his abs when he entered middle school, resulting in the results he has now.

Goal: In 10 years, to organize a "10th anniversary celebration" with the current members. They seem to be at odds with each other, but it's only because they complement each other that they stay together.


Birthday: October 4, 1983

Blood type: B

Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture

Height: 168

Weight: 48.9KG

Sneaker size: 26.5CM

Strengths: Hardworking in everything

This is the first time a member of the Ueda Ryuya group has been in a group. Very hard work

Shortcomings: too much ego. No opinion

Special talents: playing basketball and boxing games, his strength even surrendered to the boxing machine in the playground

Favorite things: beef, beef steak

Preferred words: hard work

Treasure: books, drama scripts in which he acted

Respectful senpai: Tsubasa Imai, Tsuyoshi Donmotsu

What he calls the first thing: attentiveness No.1, No.1 in gentleness, No.1 in flexibility, and when it comes to flexibility, he thinks he's as good as anyone else

Goal: I want KAT-TUN to be the best group in the world, and I want to be able to act naturally and comfortably, whether it's funny or handsome

Yuichi Nakamaru Nakamaru (中丸雄一 NAKAMARU YUICHI)

Birthday: September 4, 1983 <

Blood type: O

Birthplace: Tokyo

Height: 176cm

Weight: 51kg

Shoe size: 26.5cm

Sight: 1.0

Brothers: 2 sisters (Maruko and Maruko ~~ HOHOO)

Specialties: Dance lessons, cheerful. Rides a bicycle to and from school every day. One way about 15 minutes. Not afraid of students.

Shortcomings: often buy things on impulse and go over budget every time.

Special talents: soccer dancing and free throws, not very good at free throws yet, but I'm working on it, and one other thing is laughing

Favorite color: black

Favorite food: raisins

Favorite subject: math

Hate subject: English

Special seniors I look up to: Yonehana Tsugushi. Shingo Machida

Things that call him number one: dancing

Goal: want to hold a concert that everyone will want to see