The first is history. Shi's nickname is "Shen Yu". It is said that when she was washing gauze by the stream, the fish in the stream saw her reflection and sank to the bottom in shame. Xi Stone was sent to Wu by Gou Jian, King of Yue, as a tool of Fu Cha, King of Wu. As a spy of Yue, she stayed in Wu for twenty years, and the king of Wu liked her very much. From then on, she abandoned the state affairs and drank and had fun all day, which eventually led to the demise of Wu. There are different opinions about the ultimate fate of the stone, some say it was suicide, others say it was taken away and drowned.
Second, the story of diusim. Di Xin's fate is similar to history, and he is also a victim of politics. The story of Diusim was given to Dong Zhuo by Wang Yun. He used a honey trap to alienate Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu. Later, Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo and got the story of Diusim. A few years later, Lu Bu was captured and killed by Cao Cao, and Diusim was also killed as a femme fatale.
Third, Wang Zhaojun. Wang Zhaojun, who was originally a beauty of the Han Palace, was sent to the Xiongnu and her relatives. A weak woman married a Hu gang in a foreign country, which was a tragedy. According to the Xiongnu ancestral system, she first married Lao Zi and then married her son as a concubine. She finally chose to commit suicide by taking poison.
Fourth, Yang Yuhuan. Of the four beauties, Yang Yuhuan is the happiest. She was favored by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, and was made a noble princess, enjoying the splendor and wealth. During the Anshi Rebellion, after Emperor Xuanzong and his party fled to Maweipo, furious soldiers shot and killed Yang, who was once arrogant, and then executed Yang Guifei.