Kindergarten morning assembly safety knowledge sharing

Kindergarten morning meeting safety knowledge sharing

Kindergarten morning meeting safety knowledge sharing, in the school life, the teacher every day to share a positive little story to the children, that next I organized a kindergarten morning meeting safety knowledge sharing of related information, we take a look at it.

kindergarten morning safety knowledge sharing 1

kindergarten safety knowledge sharing

First, hot water must be put in the child can not reach the place;

Second, the classroom regularly check the knife, disinfectant, etc. into a safe place;

Third, the railing door has protective measures;

Fourth, playing meals. On the way to observe whether there are children, to avoid burns caused by collision

V. Kindergarten entrance shall not have any commercial vendors gathered;

VI. indoor power supply is not too low, to avoid young children touch;

VII. buildings and tables and chairs can not be angular

VIII. kindergarten doors open and close on time;

IX. young children can not enter the school alone or go home, it must be by the parent The children can not enter the kindergarten or go home alone, they must be picked up by their parents.

Kindergarten safety tips

1, the education of young children do not carry toys and sharp utensils to the park, and should not be put in the mouth, nose, ears, in order to prevent injury.

2. Teach children not to play with toys and peers, and not to scratch, bite or hit their peers.

3, walking up and down the stairs to the right, not from the staircase handrail down, do not do climbing windows, pick windows, jumping stairs, playing with the door, jumping down from a high place and other dangerous actions.

4, to the public **** place to participate in excursions, go out for a walk or outdoor activities, education of young children to stay away from transformers, construction sites and other dangerous places, listen to the teacher (or adults), do not casually leave the collective, something should be told to the teacher.

5, education of young children in sports or games should listen to the teacher's arrangements, discipline, orderly activities, to avoid chasing each other, running collision.

6, to explain and publicize the common sense of safety to children, so that children know the hazards of playing with fire, electricity, water, in order to prevent accidents.

7, guide young children to understand the use of fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, know the kindergarten's safety channel exit; educate children to public **** place to pay attention to the observation of the fire signs and evacuation direction of the habit; know a variety of alarm calls, know how to call the police.

8, after school in the afternoon, the education of young children to pull an adult to go, can not run around on their own, can not stay in the kindergarten to play, in order to prevent accidents.

9, education of young children to know their own names, garden name, parents' names, units, home address, telephone, will express clearly, emergencies know how to protect themselves.

Kindergarten Morning Safety Knowledge Sharing 2

A farmer had a hard-working, hard-working horse that worked for him, but the horse was now old and working, so the farmer didn't want to give the horse any more food. He said to the horse, "I have no more use for you; leave the stable and go away by yourself, and when you are stronger than a lion, I will naturally bring you back."

Having said this, he opened the door and left the horse to go and earn his own living.

The poor horse was so miserable that he wandered aimlessly about in the forest, and the cold wind and drizzle added to his pain, and he tried to find a little shelter from the rain. Soon he met a fox, who asked him: "My good friend, what is the matter with you? Why are you hanging your head and looking all alone and sad?" The horse sighed and replied, "Alas-! Justice and stinginess cannot live in the same house. My master has quite forgotten all that I have labored so hard for him these many years, and because I could no longer work, he cast me out, saying that he would not take me in again unless I became stronger than a lion. Was I capable of such a thing? In fact, the master knows that I have no such power, or else he would not have said so."

When the fox heard this, he told him not to worry, but just to be at ease, and said, "Let me help you; lie there, stretch out your body, and pretend to be dead, and I will have my way." The horse did as the fox told him. The fox ran to the mouth of the cave where the lion lived, and said to the lion, "King Lion, there is a dead horse lying on a path; let us go together, and you can make a very good lunch to enjoy." The lion was very glad to hear this, and immediately set out.

They came to where the horse was lying, and the fox said, "You won't be able to finish it here, so I'll tell you what you can do: let me tie its tail firmly to your body, and then you'll be able to drag it back to your den and enjoy it." The lion appreciated this suggestion. So it lay down motionless and let the fox tie it to the horse's back. But the fox managed to tie his legs together, and with all his might he tied the lion into a firm ball, so that the lion could not break his bonds.

When all was done, the fox patted the horse on the shoulder and said, "Get up! Old horsey, you can go now!" The horse jumped up and left, dragging the lion behind his tail. The lion knew it had taken the fox's bait and began to roar and roar so loud that all the birds in the trees flew away. But the old horse screamed all he wanted, and just walked slowly and leisurely across the field by himself, and finally dragged the lion to his master's house.

He said to his master, "Here is the lion, master, I have taken care of him." When the master saw this old horse of his, he felt compassion for him, and said, "You will live in the stable, and I will treat you well." So the poor old horse had something to eat again, and the master fed him until he died.


Once upon a time, long, long ago, God often walked the earth. Once it was already dark and he had not yet found a place to live. At this time he found two houses in front of him, the big house was beautiful, the small house was very shabby, in the big house lived a rich man, and in the small house lived a man with no money.

God first came to the big house and knocked on the door, and the rich man opened the door and saw an old man standing in front of the door dressed in rags, and slammed the door. So God came to the small house and knocked on the door, and the poor man opened the door and saw that it was an old man in very little clothing, and said, "My friend, it is so cold outside, come in and warm yourself!" He invited God in, and brought out all the good food in the house and gave it to God.

The next day, just as it was getting light, God said to the penniless family, "You are good people, make three wishes, and I will help you fulfill it!" So the poor man said, "First wish: I wish that our family would be happy every day, second wish: that we would have bread to eat every day, and third wish: that we would have a new house." As soon as he finished speaking, God blew a breath and the poor man's house immediately became big and beautiful. When the rich man found out about this, he immediately rode his horse for a long time to find God, and told God that this was not fair, and that he also wanted to make three wishes, which God granted. The rich man happily rode his horse on the road, he rode the horse while thinking what he should wish for, thinking, the horse began to jump around, the rich man yelled: "I wish to break your neck!" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the horse immediately died. And just like that, his first wish came true. He couldn't bring himself to throw the saddle away, so he had to walk home with it on his back. He was very, very tired of walking, when he thought of his wife, who must be staying in the house to cool off, and was probably eating something delicious. So he said, "I wish she would sit in this saddle and not get off." Before he could finish his sentence, the saddle was gone from his shoulders and his second wish was granted. When he got home he found that his wife was riding in the saddle and couldn't get off. He had to make a third wish for his wife to get off the saddle. In the end, the rich man got nothing.


Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl who always wore a red hat given to her by her grandmother, so everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood".

One day, her mother said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Here, Little Red Riding Hood, here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Be careful on the way!"

Little Red Riding Hood said to her mother, "Yes, I will be careful. I'm going to see grandma!" Little Red Riding Hood said, "I'm going to see Grandma!" And Little Red Riding Hood went off happily. She had just walked into the forest when she ran into a wolf.

The wolf said, "Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you going?"

Little Red Riding Hood said, "I'm going to Grandma's house. Grandma is sick, and I've brought her some good cake and wine."

"Where does your grandmother live, Little Red Riding Hood?"

Little Red Riding Hood said, "Grandma's house is under three big trees."

The wolf thought, "I will eat them both."

So it said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Little Red Riding Hood, look how beautiful these flowers are all around you! Pick some for your grandmother, she will be very happy."

Little Red Riding Hood thought, "Yes, these flowers are so beautiful that Grandma will be very happy." So she began to pick the flowers. At this time, the wolf took the opportunity to run to Grandma's house, swallowed Grandma in one bite, and then put on Grandma's clothes and wore Grandma's hat and lay down on the bed.

After a while, Little Red Riding Hood came to Grandma's house, and went to Grandma's bedside, and the wolf pounced up at once, and swallowed Little Red Riding Hood in one mouthful, and when the wolf was full, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

A hunter walked by and saw that the grandmother's door was open, so he went in to take a look and saw the wolf lying on the bed with his stomach still moving, so the hunter took a pair of scissors and cut the wolf's stomach open.

Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma were saved, and at this time the hunter moved a few large stones and stuffed them into the wolf's stomach. The wolf woke up and tried to escape, but the stones were so heavy that it fell to the ground and died just as it stood up.

Grandma ate the cake and wine that Little Red Riding Hood brought and felt much better, and they were very happy!

Kindergarten Morning Safety Knowledge Sharing 3

Kindergarten Morning Positive Energy Sharing Short Story: The Little Yellow Warbler Sings

Once upon a time there was a little yellow warbler, who sang beautifully, but she was so timid that she never dared to open her mouth to sing in front of outsiders.

One summer, there was a singing contest in the forest, and the squirrels came to invite the little yellow warbler to participate in the contest, but the little yellow warbler said, "I don't dare to go." Mom said, "It's okay, you go boldly." So the little yellow warbler came to the contest too. But she was too timid to wait until the last one to go on stage, and her voice was so small that she flew away in fear before she sang a few lines.

The little yellow warbler flew and flew and flew, and on the way met a naughty little parrot. The little parrot said, "Little yellow warbler, so timid, so afraid to sing, so shameless!"

The little yellow warbler flew on and met the talkative little sparrow. The little sparrow said, "Little yellow warbler, what a coward, running away halfway, how rude!"

The little yellow warbler cried and flew back home, and when her mother found out, she said to her, "Never mind, if you practice more, your courage will become bigger. Tell you what, from now on you will go outside and practice singing every day, and you will definitely get something out of it."

The little yellow warbler listened to her mother's words and really began to practice singing outside every day. Slowly, she became more and more bold, and her voice got louder and louder. As she sang and flew, she met the naughty little parrot on the way. The little parrot said, "Little yellow warbler, how timid, not daring to sing, what a shame!"

The little yellow warbler ignored him and continued to sing as she flew onward, and met the talkative little sparrow again. The little sparrow said, "Little yellow warbler, what a coward, running away halfway, how rude!"

The little yellow warbler still ignored him and continued to sing and fly. She flew to the pond, and the frogs in the pond heard her singing and said, "Little yellow warbler, you sing so beautifully!"

She flew to a high mountain, and the little tits on the mountain heard her singing and said, "Little yellow warbler, you sing so beautifully!"

The more the little yellow warbler sang, the more confident she became. The next year, the forest held a singing contest, the little yellow warbler was the first to fly on the stage, loud and beautiful song moved all the people, everyone warmly applauded her, even the naughty parrot and talkative sparrow also shot extraordinarily energetic.

Kindergarten Morning Positive Energy Sharing Short Story: The Proud Horse

Once upon a time, there was a horse in the forest that was very proud and arrogant. The little animals did not like to play with it.

One day, the horse went for a walk, and on the narrow path, a little dog blocked its' way. The horse got angry and said, "Puppy, go away! I am the most precious horse in the world, no matter what kind of horse it is, it can't be compared with me. And you? Who are you! You are the ugliest puppy in the world, any puppy can compare to you. Now hurry up and step aside and don't let me see you again!" The puppy heard this and ran off without saying anything. "Looks like this dog doesn't even dare to compete with me!" After saying this, the horse strutted away.

The next day, the horse heard that the white rabbit was a fast runner, and won the race with the turtle. The horse then ran to the door of the white rabbit's house and called out, "White rabbit, I heard that you run very fast, do you dare to compete with me?" Hearing this, the white rabbit put down the carrot in his hand and compared himself with the horse. Although the white rabbit beat the turtle, how could it be a match for the horse? The horse won, of course.

Now, the horse felt even more great and looked down on the other animals.

One day, the camel heard about the horse's pride and arrogance, so it said to the horse: "Do you dare to compete with me in the desert? Let's see which of us is better?" The horse thought to himself, "Who are you to challenge me? In this forest, there is no one as powerful as me, let's see if I don't beat you!"

At first, the horse ran ahead, feeling relaxed. The camel, on the other hand, walked slowly and was in no hurry at all. The horse thought to himself, "Hmph, running so slowly, and still dare to challenge me." Not long after, the horse gradually can not stand, the desert is not like the grassland, the advantage of the horse can not play. The camel, on the other hand, was still walking slowly. And ran for a while, the horse felt that he was dying of thirst, it had to stop, to the camel for help, the camel took it to the oasis, let it drink enough water, only to take the horse out of the desert.

Since that time, the horse no longer dares to say that it is great, it understands that everyone has their own strengths, of course, there will be shortcomings. So, it never dared to be proud and arrogant again.

Kindergarten Morning Positive Energy Sharing Short Story: Proud Puppy and Witty Duckling

In the Animal Kingdom, there are a lot of animals living in the puppy, duckling, elephant uncle, there is a funny thing happened between them, I come to look at this funny story!

One day, the proud puppy and the witty duckling met together.

"Do you dare to run a race with me?" The puppy asked with his head held high.

""Don't you dare! My puppy brother! " the duckling replied politely.

"Little bitty, huh! Isn't it just a slow runner? Don't dare to compare with me, making excuses! "The puppy said proudly.

"Compare just compare, who is afraid of who! "Duckling wanted to punish the punishment of puppies, said "but it! But we have to compete with the difficult item of swimming. "

"Difficult? Let me think about it ...... well!

So they got the elephant uncle as a referee, they are ready to race swimming and running two items.

A command, it began to race running. The puppy ran so fast that he overtook the duckling in no time at all. The duckling ran with a waddle, even if it ran again, how hard it could not catch up with the puppy ah! The puppy became the champion. It is very happy!

It's time to compete in the swimming event! Duckling has been swimming forward, but it is very hard to swim. Eventually, the stamina is not enough, fell into the water! Uncle Elephant rushed to the rescue of the puppy in the water.

The puppy said "Alas, I must change the bad habit of pride!"

The shortest thing is the longest thing. Don't compare your strengths with others, it's not right!

Kindergarten Morning Positive Energy Sharing Short Story: The Little Apple Tree Looking for a Doctor

One morning, the warm sun shone on the earth, and the little apple tree and the old apple tree were singing happily together. Suddenly, the old apple said sadly, "Ouch, my stomach hurts." The magpie said, "I'm sorry, I can only catch worms on the leaves, I can't catch worms in the trunk, and I can't do surgery." The magpie flew away.

At this time, another owl flew in, and the little apple tree said sadly: "Grandpa Owl, can you help my mother-in-law heal?" The owl said apologetically, "I can only catch field mice, which are small animals, and I can't cure the tree." Grandpa Owl flew away too.

At this time, a woodpecker came and pecked at the old apple tree. The little apple tree said angrily; "Go away, my mother-in-law will be more painful." The woodpecker said, "Just now I saw your mother-in-law was very sad, I guess there are worms inside her stomach, I am here to help your mother-in-law have an operation." The little apple tree was overjoyed.

Dr. Woodpecker pecked around the trunk of the old apple tree, checking the body, and when it heard an empty sound, that meant that the inside of the trunk was empty of worms. It pecked the bark open and there were so many worms inside! The woodpecker pecked away the worms one by one until all the worms were destroyed.

The little apple tree and the granny tree gratefully said to the woodpecker; "Dr. Woodpecker, thank you, sit down and rest." The woodpecker flapped his wings and said, "No, I have to cure other trees!" Said and flew away into the distance.

The little apple tree and the old apple tree sang a happy song again.