How far is Lanzhou Railway Station from Mingcheng Plaza
Lanzhou Railway Station is 10 kilometers away from the famous city square. Lanzhou railway station is not far from the famous city square area, said the railway station is in the city to take the 1 car can be to the west station, small West Lake, West Station, South Pass, Dongfanghong Square, etc., to the city center, then, do not take the 127, 102, 137, 33, 34, 59, 9 roads and other cars, very convenient, Lanzhou railway station also belongs to part of the city. Only the train station does not belong to the commercial downtown, but also in Lanzhou commercial downtown, in Zhangye Road, Yongchang Road, Xiguan Nanguan area, this area is Lanzhou City, the most developed area of the commercial street economy, food and entertainment.