Solar and lunar eclipses have been taboo in the East and the West since ancient times, and are regarded as unlucky images. In the East, because the sun symbolizes grace and the moon symbolizes punishment, an eclipse means that the state will treat people lightly and give them relief, while an eclipse examines whether laws and regulations are appropriate and may lead to unjust imprisonment. Or you can say you can pray for it.
Total lunar eclipse, the curse of the monarch; Partial eclipse is the curse of the main minister. Eating from the first half of the month is ridiculous for you; Since middle school, he has lost the orders of the prime minister; Bottom-up, lose for the general. Three eclipses on the moon, national mourning; From ten to fourteen, the world begins; Eat fifteen, and the world will die. Spring grain, poor harvest, general death; Summer grain, drought; Autumn grain, soldiers; Winter grain is the loss of state-owned soldiers.
In fact, the "red moon" may appear at any time. At ordinary times, the moon is very low, and when it is close to the horizon, the sunlight reflected by it is influenced by the earth's atmosphere, and there is a certain chance to produce a "red moon", but at this time the moon is not necessarily "round" or the time of occurrence is not noticed.
As for the "red moon" produced during the total lunar eclipse, it is mainly because during the total lunar eclipse, the earth blocked the brilliance of the sun, and only part of the sunlight refracted by the earth's atmosphere shone on the moon, thus the "red moon" appeared.