Be careful when buying an older neighborhood home! After reading this you will understand

Often home buyers will say, so-and-so neighborhood, the location is not bad, the price is cheaper than the new commercial housing to more than 20%, is the age of the old a bit, this is to buy the cost-effective?

On the one hand, we know that home buyers choose second-hand houses, basically based on the ability to pay and the purpose of the purchase of the house to choose, if not based on these two kinds of, it is recommended to be careful to buy. Why for the old neighborhood house to tell friends to be cautious? After reading the following reasons perhaps you understand.

One, the property management is not in place, bringing security risks

Old neighborhoods are either no property management, or property management in the function of the level of fulfillment of the management of parking, health management, and other simple level, and for the community to visit the population of the management of the entry and exit of the day-to-day prevention of fire and burglary, and other aspects of the prevention and management of the virtually in the blank.

Older neighborhoods are generally small, low consumer spending power of the resident population, property management fees are also low, therefore, in improving the level of property services, there is an embarrassing situation of cost, and this situation is difficult to reverse within a short period of time, so the service is low, it has become a matter of course, the owners are also happy to accept.

Second, the human environment is not high, bring full of irritation

Some old neighborhoods, in the evening, square dance on time, all kinds of grandparents, accompanied by low-end player outbreaks of noisy noise, twisting stiff limbs, bring sound pollution, visual pollution, let a person produce a sense of full of irritation.

A variety of busy people and other random access to the district, picking up rags, collecting scrap, playing all kinds of advertising radio, often wandering in the district, so you feel nothing but disgust, can not say other words.

Three, the backwardness of the planning, bring all kinds of parking difficulties, grab a parking space

Now the popularity of private cars has been very high, the old neighborhood because of fewer parking spaces, roads are narrow, parking is difficult, difficult to pass, has become the most common problem. If you often can't grab a parking space because you're home late, to would rather pay a reasonable monthly parking fee for a peace of mind.

Four, old neighborhoods can not keep up with the pace of residential market demand

Old neighborhoods, generally have a small household size, small-scale **** sex, which is the early real estate development and socio-economic development is not synchronized, resulting in planning backwardness, is a legacy of history. This is not through the neighborhood new, transformation can be completed. And in the future, people for the improvement of the standard of living, is the reality of the rigid demand, so the future of the old neighborhoods of the second-hand houses, will face shrinking demand, out of the difficult problem.

Fifth, the modern life support can not keep up

With the development of society, many old neighborhoods for the network of fiber optic households, gas households these are almost none, if you move in is likely to face the trouble of Internet access, gas bath cooking trouble, etc. brought about by the troubles of life.

In short, the old neighborhoods, as the real estate development of the early era of the product, to meet the people "home has its own room" of the historical needs, but in the current demand for the situation is increasing, it is difficult to say whether it can be easy to live. Of course, the old neighborhoods generally low total price, the location is not bad, for the expectations are not high, limited affordability, its market demand is still there is a certain space, if you have the intention to buy, must be prepared.

(The above answer was posted on 2018-03-09, the current relevant housing policy please prevail in practice)

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