QQ Dazzle Dance - free dance step step order

Here to give you a detailed introduction to the QQ Dazzle free dance step step order and for the characters to reflect the situation, so that your dance is different Oh! First of all, choose the free dance step mode to enter the game.

Free Dance Mode

Press a "↑" key, the other free keys do not press, wait until the time, press the space, is to go down to the right. Straight ahead, if you pick, the sea that scene, you can walk straight down to the sea.

Press the two "↓↓" is to the right after walking, has been all the time, will also continue to do not know where to go.

Pressing a "←" is to go backward, all the way, all the time, and it's also fun.

Pressing "↑→" is also going backwards all the time.

Pressing "↑↑↑↑" is going forward.

Pressing "↑↑↑↑" is going right.

Bursting steps: press with the steps the game gives you in front, and 5 in the back.

48648 Jump a few times, then upside down.

48642 Flip jump left, then reverse right. A few jumps in a row.

42484 Flip forward and backward a beat.

48462 Get on the ground and keep spinning and bouncing! One beat.

48866 Down on the floor.

48282 Slowly get off the floor, then take a few poses and set.

48262 also spins on the floor and the opposite of the one above.

48862 Inverted straight spin for a beat.

42268 Toad hop, reversed.

48268 Big pop, spinning on the floor

48228 Big pop, upside down then handspring.

48284 Big bang, takes a few beats.

48244 Big bang, spinning takes a few beats.

48226 One beat.

48464 big bang,

48288 big bang.

42288 big bang.

42266 big bang.

42286 big bang.

48662 big bang.

For the back of the burst step order, you are not memorized, you can try this dance effect how~~