Do square dancers have a responsibility if they die of a heart attack while square dancing?

? ? This is a question that people can't keep serious and reverent in front of life, because it seems to be related to life itself, but in essence it is a manifestation of the entanglement of interests. Simply put, this question means: don't tell me "what am I going to do when I leave this world", but rather "who is going to pay for it if someone dies?"

When I saw this question, I suddenly felt a social responsibility to help some of my friends realize the true nature of a message. For example, the essence of the question is "Is the square dancer responsible when he dies of a heart attack?" It's in the attribution of responsibility.

? Let's think about what responsibility is First of all, we need to understand that responsibility is a sociological concept, it is not individual behavior, but the relationship between the consequences of behavior and the individual. In other words, the nature of responsibility is related to society and others. First of all, you should understand one thing. If a person dies in the course of square dancing due to some physiological factors. Then, in the absence of any compulsion to square dance, there is no liability related to the interests of society. Because it is not an event that intentionally caused the death of another person.

? Looking at the factors that contributed to the square dancer's death, the deceased had a duty to ensure his or her own life without compromising the safety of life and behavioral interventions. It's like walking down the road and realizing you're not feeling well, so what we need to do is take a break, not keep walking. What we need to understand is that responsibility is a sociological concept that is not about individual behavior, but about the relationship between the consequences of that behavior and the individual. In other words, the nature of responsibility is related to society and others.