2. Horizontal fork: the trainee's legs are straight, separated from the left and right and pressed down, the upper body is upright, and the hands can hold things or people.
3. Half-split fork: the trainee's leg is straight, with the back side of the leg on the ground, the other leg is bent at the knee, with the heel on the buttocks, and the inner side of the leg on the ground, the two legs are separated as much as possible, and the side is pressed down, with the buttocks on the ground; the upper body can be pressed down and backward in a forward and backward vibration. Flexion and extension of the two legs alternately and interchangeably, repeat the exercise.
4. Pressing the legs: the legs are pressed and pressed sideways. Trainees support one leg and place the heel of the other leg on an object at the same height as the waist or chest. Positive leg press, toes hooked up, the upper body forward and down to do pressure vibration; side leg press, toes inward buckle, supporting leg toes swing outward, the body turned outward, the upper body to the side down to do pressure vibration. When pressing, the upper body and legs are straight.
5. Positive Kick: the trainee's upper body is straight, the arms are separated and straightened, and the hands are formed into fists; the legs are straight, and the toes are hooked to kick upward, and the left and right legs are kicked upward alternately.
6. Two people work together to practice:
①Sitting on the ground and pressing the hips: the trainee sits down facing each other, legs straight, left and right as far apart as possible, heel * heel, hand in hand; one side of the upper body falls backward to the ground, the back of the shoulders, and the other side of the upper body forward; and then the front bent over the other side pulls the other side up, the back of the shoulders of the other side of the floor, and the other side of the upper body forward bent over; repeat the exercise.
②Standing Side Swinging Legs: Trainees stand facing each other, hands on each other's shoulders, one of them up a leg to the left (right) side of the top of the repeated swing, toes pointing in front of the body. The two people exchange for the exercise.
③Standing leg press: the leg press and side leg press. Trainees stand facing each other, one of them puts one leg on the other's shoulder, and when they press the leg, the toes are hooked up, and the other one withdraws and presses down with both hands holding the knee joint. The two exchange for the exercise.