The full text of the long poem "Lola"?

I The dead rise and sing of the sun

Praise thee, O Lola, to thy stupendous rising!

You rise, shine, and cause the heavens to roll aside.

You are the King of the Gods, the Lord of all,

We come from you, and are made holy by you.

Your priests dawn out to meet us and wash our hearts with laughter;

Sacred winds carry music across the strings of your gold.

At sunset they embrace thee as if each cloud

From thy wings shone the colors of the heavenly reflection.

Thou hast traveled past the zenith, and thy heart rejoices;

Thy boat of morning and dusk meets with a good wind;

Before thee, Mat holds aloft her fate-determining plumage,

and the halls of Anu clamor at thy name.

Ah you God of Perfection, God of Eternity, God of the One!

Great eagle that flies with the rising sun!

On the verdant fig-tree Thy ever-young image

Shimmers as it sweeps through the heart of the heavenly river.

Your light illuminates every face, yet no one knows.

For a thousand years and ten thousand years, you are the fervent source of new life.

Time rolls up dust at your feet, and you are forever the same.

Creator of time, you have transcended all time.

You have passed through the door that closes behind the darkness of the night,

and made the soul that lies in sorrow leap for joy.

Truth of speech, serenity of heart, rise up and sip your light,

for you are yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Praise Thee, Ra, and awaken life from its lethargy!

Thou risest, and shinest, and showest thy glorious image,

Millions of years have passed, we cannot count them all,

Millions of years will come, and thou shinest for all the years!

Two He sings a salutation to Osiris, that Lord of Eternity

Glory to Osiris, the Prince of Eternity,

Who passed through billions of years and straight into Eternity,

With the South and the North as his crown, Master of the gods and men,

Carrying the scepter and whip of breadth and might.

O king of kings, prince of princes, master of masters,

The earth springs again, thanks to thy zeal;

The past and the future are thy attendants, and thou leadest them,

and thine heart is contentedly at rest on the tops of the hidden mountains.

Your body shines, and your head is the blue sky.

The color of Turkish jade glows in the four fields of the land of your visitation.

Your body is widely covered, and your face glows,

as if the fields and valleys of the world to come.

Allow my spirit to hold fast on the earth and triumph in eternity.

Allow me to sail downwind through your land.

Allow me to take wing and soar, like the phoenix.

Allow me to be graciously welcomed at the gates of the towers of the gods.

In the House of Rincon, Victor, grant me food,

the food of those blessings that rise with thee in death,

and allow me to sow and reap barley and wheat in that sunny field,

and to have a home in the meadow of bliss.

Three He asks the pardon of the gods

You, holy gods, who reign like a cloud, and hold the kuwaito,

in weighing the words, speak me beautifully to Osiris,

and present my case to the forty-two judges;

and let me not dare to die in Amentit.

Oh, my heart, if there need be no separation between us,

We will **** have a name tomorrow,

Yes, A Thousand Years is the name we **** sign,

Yes, A Thousand Years, ah my mother, my heart!

Six He was declared honest

Now the great god Thoth, that

Judge of justice and truth,

opened his mouth thus to the gods:

(The gods were sitting before Osiris)

Now this heart was indeed

weighed, and it was pure.

No evil could be found in him,

and his heart stood up to the scales of heaven.

So those gods who sat before Osiris

answered thus:

Thy word is true; let him come in,

and live in peace forever.

In the midst of the everlasting fields

Give him a house.

Do not let forgetfulness devour

that triumphant soul."

So Horus, the son of Eros,

said to the holy Osiris,

Ah father, I bring this

dissected soul to thee.

His heart is weighed in the scales,

and his deeds are judged;

allow him thy round bread and ale,

and allow a welcome to his jinn."

So the living soul said,

Behold, O master of masters,

I am come here to make my advances to thee,

and I am a blameless man before Osiris.

Thou art fair

Prince of all the world,

I have loved thee, O favor me,

and consider me as the beloved of thy heart."

VII He came out and entered the day

Here, I have traveled to the grave, and behold thy

strong body.

I have watched Osiris

sowing night through the world below.

I have come, I have watched Osiris, my father,

and I am his son.

I am the son of the Father who loved him,

and I am loved.

I have made for myself a path,

through the western sky,

like a god.

I have followed in his footsteps, and by his divine power

won eternity.

The gates between heaven and earth were then open,

and my path rejoiced.

Rejoice, every god, every soul, my light

Shines from the darkness.

I walk in, like a harrier hawk;

I walk out, like a phoenix,

The star of the dawn.

In that beautiful world, by the splendid lake of Horus,

the day rises high.

VIII He invites Osiris to rise from the dead

Lift up your steps and rise, calm heart,

O calm heart, your body flawless and perfect.

Aeolus mourns for thee among the reeds of the Nile

In the dark marshes of the papyrus,

Sheltering Horus to avenge thy fate.

He came forth from his hidden abode;

He valiantly fought thy foes,

He now sails in the boat of the rising sun.

Come forth, calm heart, I have avenged thee.

9 He has made himself one with Osiris

I am the prince of the field.

I am Osiris,

I am Horus and Ra,

one with Osiris.

I hold his portal in the chamber of his birth


I came forth at his birth,

I am Osiris.

With his heart and power,

my youth

will always be born with his youth wherever he goes


Slaying his murderers, I also

rise from the darkness;

and so I take vengeance for his vengeance,

and for myself.

Dedicating all this to his

adornment of my altar.

He carries me along with him

ascending from death.

Ten He made Himself one with Ra

I am the Lord of Light, the self-generated youth,

the primordial birth of primordial life, the first name of nameless things.

I am the Prince of the Ages; my body is eternity;

my form is endless, trampling the darkness beneath.

Call me by such names as:

Master of the abiding vineyards,

Child that roams through the cities, youth of the plains.

Call me by such names:

The child who walks toward his father,

The child of the light, who finds his kinsman in the twilight.

XI He made Himself one with the One God whose limbs are divided into many gods

Ah the kingdom of the everlasting Kyuwu,

the resting-place where Ra's splendid boat is moored,

the white crown of the divine image!

I am here! I am the child, the very child!

My hair is Nu, and my face is the disk of Ra,

My eyes are Hector, and my neck is Ehbos;

Every limb of my frame is a god,

My bones and my flesh, the names of the living gods.

The Tot shelters me forever and ever, every day and every day.

I come as Ra, like the Unnamed One

I come. I come as yesterday,

like the still unnamed, the prophet who for millions of years

did his best for the nations and the peoples.

I am the child who walks toward that

Avenue of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

I am the One, the Only One,

who passes unceasingly through all the heavens,

and advances around His way;

His instantaneous breath is in your bodies, and His image

rests in their own temples, hidden and manifest;

He holds you in His hands, and yet there is not a single hand

that can hold him in his hands; he knows the names and seasons of the year,

but you, whatsoever creatures you may be, cannot know them;

and the years turn back for him in the ever-passing past,

and move gloriously to the end of time.

Yes, I am He, and shall never die again;

neither man, nor the sanctified dead, nor even the gods

can turn me back from the path of immortality.

Twelve He walks in the day

I am yesterday, and today, and tomorrow,

the hidden and holy spirit that created the gods,

and fed the one who is blessed.

I am the Lord of those who rise from death,

whose image is the lamp of the chamber of the dead,

and whose shrine is the earth.

When the sky has shone with crystal,

it delights my path, expands my trail

and wraps me in light.

When dusk closes the eyes of the gods

and the portals of the wall,

guard my peace from the sleepers of darkness.

In the dawn I open the fig tree,

My form is the form of all men and women,

My spirit is God.

Thirteen He defended his heart against the destroyer

I am pure, I am the truth of words, I am Triumph,

I am the prince of the fields, I am Osiris.

I was born with him in his chamber of death,

I died with him, and now I rise from death,

My heart was once judged before Osiris,

and no one takes it from me again.

Yes, this, my heart, had wept before Osiris

and pleaded in the temple of judgment.

And now, victoriously, I sit in peace,

on that eternal mountaintop.

Outstretching my hand, I hold the breeze of the south,

Opening my nostrils, I breathe in that westerly wind;

I light a brilliant spark

Guiding the way to Him who opens the gates of those millions of years.

I am the basic of young plants and flowers,

the bush that blossoms forever.

Fourteen He completes his triumph

Cheering, glowing from the moon

Walking through the bustling darkness of the night

And you who hold the torch aloft.

I come too, a glorious soul.

Stand my ground,

Defying my longing enemies.

Open wide the gates of death,

For I bring my staff of gold,

Through the darkness triumphantly.

Fifteen He walks into the house of the goddess Hector

The bodies of the earth and the souls of the fields

are pure;

The praise

that flows from my mouth with double rejoicing

is pure.

The serpent died in that

place which the gods had set up,

and Osiris lives, and his throne

rests upon the waters.

Your beauty is a flowing brook,

calling travelers to stop;

a house of travelling feasts, where all men

worship their gods.

Your beauty is the courtyard where columns are erected

to Ra burning with incense.

Your face is brighter than the

temple where the moonlight shines.

Your hair makes waves

like a woman of the East,

black as if it were under the ground

watching over the portals of midnight.

Your face is the azure of the sky,

Light as a piece of glaze;

The rays of Ra shine on your face

Making your garments woven with gold.

Your brows are twin goddesses

sitting peacefully on the altar of the gods,

and your breath

is like a gust of heavenly wind bending the grain.

Your eyes behold the mountain of dawn;

your hands are pools of crystal;

your two knees are clumps of sugared fescue

and there are birds of prey that sing in their nests of gold.

Thou walkest in the path of happiness,


washed in the lake of the gods,

and set out on the journey again.

Two-six The other world

Here, there is biscuit bait for thy body,

cool water for thy throat,

sweet breezes for thy nostrils,

and thou art content.

You no longer bump in your

chosen paths,

all evil and darkness

all fall from your mind.

Here by the river,

Drink or wash your hands and feet;

Or cast your net,

It must be full of leaping fish.

The sacred cow of Harpeth

Give thee her milky syrup,

and the wine of the gods of Yonkers

will be thy daily drink.

White linen shall be thy battle-robe,

and thy straw sandals glitter with gold;

and thy weapons triumph,

and no more death shall come.

Now, above the whirlwind

You follow your prince,

Now, under the trees of flourishing leaves

The heart is at ease.

Take wing and ascend to the zenith,

Or sleep in peaceable fields;

By day the sun guards thee,

By night there are rising stars.

Two-seven King Akhenaten and Neferu? Neferu? Princess Arden's Salutation to the Vault of Heaven

Ah Ra, in the dawn thou unfoldest a new horizon,

and in every land of the earth which thou hast made

is conquered by thy love. When joyful day

follows Thy footsteps in joyful peace.

When thou sunkest, the world returned to desolation;

Houses became tombs where the dead and the blind lay;

Only mice and snakes walked on the darkened stoves of the

blind night.

Now the east dawns again, the earth is awake,

and the people, in chorus, leap up from their slumber;

they bathe and change their garments,

and lift up their arms in joyful worship.

The domestic animals walk again across the fields;

The birds drum their wings and fly over the marshes,

They venerate thee also, and the flock

Runs happily across the happy fields.

North and south, along this splendid river

boats raise their sails, and embark and advance before thee;

and in that sea all the deep-water fish

float out of the waves, and laugh in thy light.

For thou art the seed of all life and mankind,

and the babe in the mother's womb, and knowest

the consolation of the nearness of thy countenance,

and thou givest unto that babe words and clusters of wisdom.

The breath of the chick that has not yet come out of its shell belongs to you,

and it has run out of its shell, singing of its joy,

dancing on its waddling legs

welcoming the dawn's light.

Your heart created everything, this fertile land,

the people, the livestock, the ones who walk on their feet,

the creatures that fly in the sky, and the land and the sea

all born from your heart.

Mankind and their destiny also belong to Thee,

and all languages, and all colors of men

have embraced Thee; and we among the nations,

and all races have Thee as their chosen lord.

And I, too, have found Thee in my heart,

I, Akhenaten, have found and salute Thee.

Your dawn is life, your dusk is death,

like the great ocean,

watering the fields by the city.

O eternal Sovereign, so potent is thy plan,

The Nile is thus divine.

Look, the heavenly Nile is bordering on a foreign land,

where wild beasts walk in the desert,

and Thou hast commanded them.

And the earth, the true Nile

was given to Egypt.

The light caresses every garden bed.

When thou risest, the green grass clumps for thee;

Thou makest seasons for the prosperity of it all.

Winter cools and rejuvenates them,

Summer's heat makes them look to you.

You created the vast sky,

and rise from it,

when you want to see all that you have created.

When thou art alone,

O everlasting Aton, when thou art risen,

Rising, shining, receding, and going forward,

thou art a thousand times changed, as the form of all things.

The city, the village, the field, the road

and the river, thou art that only deity,

and all eyes gaze upon thee,

for thou art the Aton of the day on the earth.

Thou art in my heart,

and no one knows my joy,

except thy child, Nephilim? Khyberora? Vaenra.

Thou hast made him to know thy heart's desire and might;

Thanks to thy hand the world comes into being,

in the form thou lovest;

when thou risest it has power at once,

when thou fallest, it dies.

You are the ends of its life,

and it is through you that one arrives at life.

All eyes

watch your beauty until you rest,

until you lay down your hands

and rest in the West.

When thou flyest again,

All the kingdom is strong ......

Thou hast indeed created the earth,

and hast made it grow for thy son.

He is the child who has come from you,

King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Akhenaten

and his queen, Nefertiti.

Alive and young forever.

XX The Book of the Victory over Apophis

The Lord of all things said after his formation:

I appeared like the One,

and after me came everything.

The roots of all forms unfolded with me,

and the sky was not yet formed,

and the earth did not exist,

and the serpent and the reptiles were not yet created.

From my mouth I uttered all forms,

rising from the still abyss.

With that I was doubly weary, and there was no place to stand.

I ponder in my heart and make in my soul.

I alone created all forms.

At that time, I had not yet spewed forth air,

I had not yet exhaled moisture,

I had not yet had others to rise and work with me.

So I made in my own heart,

and caused all things to come forth in the form of babies.

I conceived them by My own hand,

and became one with Myself.

I have spewed forth the air and exhaled the damp,

and it is my Father Abyss that feeds them.

When they traveled far from me,

I followed their backs with one eye.

When I became the only soul,

when I bid high farewell to the three gods on earth,

the air and the humidity rejoiced in the abyss where they dwelt,

and took away the eye with which I rooted after them.

After I had bandaged myself,

I let loose a cry for them,

and mankind were the tears that dripped from my eyes.

When that eye departed from me,

I succeeded her with another bright eye;

when she returned again, and saw me as I was,

and was angry with me.

I raised her place on my face,

and arranged a new abode for her;

and when she began to rule over the whole earth,

she poured out her indignation on the flowers of the plants.

Then all work was in blossom.

It was I who repaired one by one what she had destroyed.

I revived the flowers, coming from the plants,

I created the serpent and the serpent-worm which embraces all;

Air and dampness gave birth to Seb and Nut,

Seb and Nut twinned Osiris and Horace,

Set, Isis, and Nephesh.

They descended one after another, and in the land

made their descendants innumerable.

Thirty-one Love Songs

1 [Male] Sister, unparalleled sister,

Incomparable beauty,

At the beginning of her glory, like the morning star in the sky.

She had fair skin,

lovely eyes, sweet lips,

and a silence that never opened.

Strong neck, crystalline breasts,

Her hair black as lapis lazuli,

Arms better than gold.

Her fingers are as white as the first blossoming of the white lotus;

Having plump hips and a slender waist,

Walking like a moving cloud.

Her gait was dignified,

and her well-proportioned thighs made the way unendingly beautiful.

When she stepped on her feet and chest,

step by step, she stepped on my heart.

She makes all the people paw and look up,

and makes the bosom that embraces her happy.

When she is gone, my heart is barren;

I watch her approach in the wilderness as the new day comes.

2〖Female〗My brother, whose voice disturbs my heart,

makes me sick with longing.

He lives close by, neighboring my birth mother,

but I cannot visit him.

My mother spoke to me thus:

Who told you to visit him!

And the thoughts make my heart sore,

I have been taken over by love.

He's a dunce,

and I've been nearly dumb.

May he know my love,

and come to rest in my arms until the end of his days.

I will tell my birth mother,

My brother, Hathor has pledged me to thee.

Please come to my chambers and let love be seen in all its splendor;

let my parents be filled with joy,

and entertain strangers with smiles.

And they all praise you, my brother.

3[M] While I am groaning in my sickness,

in order that my neighbor, my sister,

may come and visit me.

She brought the doctor who dispels diseases,

and he laughed at me,

for he perceived my condition.

That was my sister's bedroom, and I would be her keeper.

Even when she glares at me,

I am filled with joy.

I stand in front of her like a child;

I would rather be her slave and follow her all day long,

I am blessed beyond measure by witnessing her face......

4[Female] I am pining for more than one thing,

My heart is beating rapidly.

Love has ruined my life,

so that I don't know how to dress well,

how to clean up my house,

how to color my eyebrows,

and how to rub frankincense on my body.

Please be at peace, my heart,

Please do not be in such a hurry,

The people on the road, when they see me, say that I am a fool.

Please rest in peace, my heart,

Hold yourself even when you think of love,

Don't let the passers-by know

that your path tilts uncertainly.

5〖Male〗My sister is on the other side of the river.

A small river hits the side and flows by,

blocking my love.

Crocodiles often parade in its warm waters.

I waded across against the waves,

treading the gushing rapids.

My heart is so brave,

tough as stone.

Love has made me strong,

like a spell from the river,

seeing crocodiles as field mice.

I called her name all the way,

and when I saw her approaching, I took her by the hand,

and my heart was full of joy,

like a treasury full of silver.

My queen, come near to me,

and do not wander far away.

6[Female] Come and visit your sister,

fast as the king's messenger.

Come and visit your sister,

as swift as the king's horse.

Come and visit thy sister,

Like a gazelle leaping for joy, in the wilderness of autumn.

7 I have not seen my sister for seven days,

and pain has swept through my body.

My limbs are heavy,

as if they have forgotten me.

Even if a skillful physician comes to see me,

his remedies are of no avail;

even if a seer, he does not know the cause of my illness,

and my illness they cannot cure.

Tell me that she has come to save me,

and her name alone can lighten my frame.

She sent messengers to my bedside,

even if they left immediately,

to awaken my heart.

My sister is better than all medicines,

than all comforting works.

When she enters the door of my room, and vigor returns to my body,

I see her, and from that time forth I have no fever.

She looked at me with both eyes, and brought back my old joy,

She spoke to me, and multiplied my strength,

She was in my arms, and drove away the gloom from my body.

And she is gone, and today is the seventh day.

8〖Male〗I walked past her bedroom at night,

I knocked on the door with my hand, but there was no answer.

9[Female] Sleep, my doorkeeper.

I rose, and went to unlatch the door.

10[Male] O door, you are my life, my soul.

For thee I have slaughtered the bull here;

Do not flaunt thy strength, O door,

I have offered to thy latch the long horns,

and the short ones to the lock,

and another goose to the doorpost,

and the tallow to the key,

and the best of the meat to the carpenter's son.

He will make me a latch with a reed pole,

and a door with green grass.

Her brother can enter at any time,

and see her open the door of her bedroom.

Her bed was made of linen,

and on it slept my lover.

11 I looked out at the garden gate,

and my brother came to visit me.

I watched the path where he came, and listened with my ears,

I waited for him, but there was no answer.

I have left my possessions behind, for his love,

so that there is nowhere to settle my heart.

The messenger of Jephthah came to me and told me:

He has deceived you,

he has sought another;

she has done his will,

and has torn your heart into willows by the river.

12[Crowd〗Beautiful woman, listen!

The man you seek is far away,

and he is no longer to be seen on the black waters of the Nile.

To seek him thou goest far away,

past the sad swamp,

to the center of the tamarisk grove.

In a place unknown to all lies Set's victim,

where he let the branches entwine.

Draped in a black veil, bury the tears,

and by the power of your love, bring him back to the light.

A star is twinkling, in the depths of the night,

Because of God's leading,

Because of your steadfast heart.

Three-two Ode to the Hidden Ra


1 I praise the Hidden Brilliant One.

O Ra, bull of the Hall of the Square Tablet, chief of the gods,

the beloved God of my heart.

2 He gives life to all living creatures,

all fattened cattle.

3 Praise be to you, Hidden Ra,

Possessor of the throne of the earth,

King of Thebes, in his own field,

whom the shepherds of his birth mother have caused to go to the four fields of the south.

4 Thou king of the foreign lands, prince of the far country;

the ancient sky, the immortal earth

and lord of all,

the cornerstone and pillar of all things.

5 He transcends all forms and is unrivaled among the gods.

The beautiful bull of this rumor, the chief of the gods of the herd,

the speaker of truth, the father of the gods of the heavens;

he created man, and nursed a multitude of wild animals.

6 This lord, creator of fruit trees,

shepherd of the meadows, caretaker of the herds,

son of Ptah,

beloved of all men as a beautiful boy,

wearing the glory of the gods.

7This establisher of the universe, the light of the earth,

sails alone in the sky.

His word is truth,

He is king of the two Egypts, chief of the earth.

8 He is the supreme god, the lord of terrors,

the chief founder of the land.

He made divinity and conquered the gods by beauty.

They bowed down to him one by one in the Hall,

and made him wear the crown in the Hall of Glory.


9He came from the wide plains of the East,

and with a fragrance that surprised the gods,

this dewy prince traveled throughout other lands.

10When he was in the wake of the gods

King over a land,

we made him king, the Lord of fear and terror,

the greatest of the gods.

11I bring forth offerings and sacrifices and want to bow down to you.

O God-maker, pillar of the heavens and builder of the earth,

their father rises full of energy!

12This everlasting Lord, the everlasting Maker,

the patron of the sacrifices of Thebes,

the mighty, the master who carries the beautiful horns

and puts in the crown of the exalted plumage,

whose crown glitters with gold and jade.

13 Headed with the glory of God, double crowns for his ornaments;

He stayed his head with a red crown, and received two Egyptian thrones,

and the south and the north were in love with him.

14 The lord of this life has received the kuwait,

the lord of this breastplate has the king's whip in his hand,

and this merciful king has put on a clean white crown.


15 O Lord of Light, from whom the light comes,

by whom the gods are more and more solemn.

16 He stretches out his hand and destroys his enemies with great fire,

and strikes down the wicked with his gaze.

He hurls his javelin to the zenith,

and shoots his arrows at the devourer of Nu,

and causes the serpent and the worm to vomit up the food in their bellies.

17 Praise be to you, Ra, master of justice!

The greatest of gods from the hidden shrines.

This soul that created everything in its own boat

Capriciousness created the gods of the herd.

18Tam, the creator of mankind,

who helped them, gave life,

and separated them according to the color of their skin.

19 He listened to the voices of the afflicted,

and answered their appeals with one mercy;

he liberated the weak from the hands of the strong,

and judged right and wrong for the naked.


20 Sharp-spoken is my king,

who flows like the Nile to those who love him.

He is famous for his kindness.

21 He opened the eyes of wisdom

He came from the sky, passing through the creation of Nu,

He spread joy and light,

so that the gods were pleased and praised.

22 O Ra, whom Thebes praises

is wearing a lofty crown in the hall of the Square Tablet.

This Lord of Ani, the star of the festival of the new moon's first birth,

how wonderful are his sixth and seventh days!

23 Master of life, health, and strength,

The chief of the celestial gods looks down,

Though he names not,

And hides his name in obscurity.


24 Oh serene one, love adorns your garments.

Feathered and fluttering king of the Ekran,

The turban is graceful, the crown is both high and white,

and the gods rejoice at your manifestation.

25When you wear the double crown on your head, your love pervades the earth.

Your light rose with laughter,

and wild beasts curled up in your sunlight,

for your love pervaded the earth of the south.


26 And you never forget the northern skies,

for the kindness of your heart.

Thou hast indeed conquered with love,

and that which thou hast created has ruled the earth.

And you have struck their hearts.

27 O One Creator,

Giver of Life, Founder of [ ],

From Your eyes has descended mankind,

and from Your mouth have come the gods of heaven.

28He prepared grass for the cattle, goats, donkeys, pigs, and sheep


fruit trees for mankind,

rivers for the fish,

and the sky for the birds.

29 You gave life to the chicks in their eggs,

and raised all the birds of prey.

You gave food to the birds that perch,

the animals that crawl and the animals that fly.

You prepared food for the young that live in the burrows,

and you sent food to the young in the nests.

30 Oh, for all this, the One God reaches out to help.

All have rested in peace, but he opens his eyes,

and finds out what all things hold dear.

31This hidden nurturer, the Eagle of Arden on the horizon,

we salute you in unison.

For the mercy you have shown, and even more so for creating us.


32 Behold, the beings hail thee,

and the earth salutes thee, to the sublime skies,

to the vast lands, and to the deep blue seas.

33 You have regaled the gods of the heavens,

and the gods whom you have created praise you,

and his gate is very happy in the presence of his father.

They celebrated you,

for you supported a blue sky,

and stabilized the mangled earth.

34 You are the Creator of all life and existence,

the leader of the gods of life, health, and strength.

We worship you as the deity who created us,

we are created by you and because of you,

and praise you for your mercy.

35We are rejoicing to the Maker:

Oh, Lord of Truth, Father of the Gods,

you created man and beast,

the crops of the field and the grass of the wilderness.

36 Thou art the hidden bull,

praised by all at Thebes,

wearing the crown well in the Hall of the Spires,

and the turban twice at Arn.

37 Examine thou the warriors who guard the temple,

chief of the ringed gods, the incomparable One God,

king of Thebes, master of the solemn gods.

Lord of the Horizon, who lives in truth forever

Falcon of the East.


38 He created the earth according to his heart's desire,

and with gold and silver and precious lapis lazuli,

he made frankincense and incense for the people,

and brought freshness to the nostrils.

39 He has treated the peoples well,

the possessor of all the thrones of the earth, the hidden Ra,

the chief of Thebes, the king of kings.

40 He is the only king, and has no climb among the gods,

and his names are without number.

Rising from the east and setting in the west,

he smites his enemies on every side,

and dawns daily on his children.

41 Thoth, the great god, lifts up his eyes and rejoices in blessing,

he lifts up the lowly,

and draws the gods to rejoice in his mercy.

42 O boat that swings in the rivers of heaven,

they guide thee safely homeward.

Your servant rejoices that the wicked has been destroyed,

that his limbs have been pierced by sharp swords,

that fire has consumed him,

that his soul and form have been destroyed.

43 In the laughter of the gods the serpent took away his feet,

and the servant of the sun has been at peace.

Ann rejoices in his heart, for the enemies of Arden have been struck down,

and Thebes has returned to quietness.

There is joy in the heart of Arn, for the giver of life has been obedient,

and his enemies have perished.

44 In Khesha the gods saluted him,

and the gods from Adythem crouched on the ground,

and behold the greatness displayed by the revered gods.

45 Image of Truth, Master of Thebes,

By thy righteous name,

Possessor of sacrifices, enjoying the bull of offerings,

Hidden, cherished by his mother,

Made mankind, and guarded all.

46In thy valiant name, the name of the founder,

with the great eagle causing a cheer,

he did gently delight all hearts.


This creator with the glorious crown on his head,

and on his forehead stood Diadem (Uati).

47 The hearts of men sought,

and when he appeared before the multitude,

the earth hailed his coming.

48 Hail! Amon? Ra, monarch of monarchs,

emits light and brings his city into

deep love.
