The third set of broadcast gymnastics for primary and secondary school students - Dancing Youth (complete password)
"Dancing Youth" *** divided into nine sections, 68 eight beats.
Preparatory section (8 beats x 4)
Preparatory posture: upright.
The first eight beats
1-2 Both arms raised via side to side (palm forward).
3-4 Cross both arms overhead twice (left hand in front).
5-8 Left foot begins to step four times while both arms are restored to upright via side.
The second eight beats
1-2 Left foot steps to the side into an open stance while the left arm is raised sideways and the right arm is flexed against the chest.
3- Turn your head 90 degrees to the left
4- Restore your head.
5-8 Left foot retracts while both arms wrap around to the side of the body via the top to the right, restoring to upright.
The third eight beats are the same as the first, but in the opposite direction.
The fourth beat is the same as the second, but in the opposite direction.
Section 1 Stretching (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-2 Left foot extends sideways (toes pointing to the ground on the inside), while the right leg bends the knee and the left arm goes through the side to the top.
3-4 Return to upright.
5- Extend right foot sideways (toes inside pointing to the floor) while bending left leg at knee and right arm through side to overhead.
6-Restore to upright.
7-Left foot extended sideways (toes pointing medially to the floor) while right leg bends knee and left arm is raised sideways (eyes on left hand).
8-Restore to upright.
The second eight beats
1-2 Take a step to the side with the left foot while bending both arms flat on the chest.
3-4 Raise both arms sideways and raise your head slightly.
5-7 Cross both arms in front of the body and loop outward to the side of the body.
8-Restore into upright.
The third and fourth octaves are the same as the first and second octaves, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 2: Chest Expansion (8 beats x 8)
First eight beats
1-2 Left foot extended sideways (toes pointing to the ground on the inner side), while the right leg bends at the knee and both arms are raised in front of the head (overlapping hands, with the left hand on top).
3-4 Return to upright.
5- Extend the right foot sideways (toes pointing to the ground) while bending the left leg at the knee and raising both arms through the side to the side.
6-Right foot retracts into an upright position while both arms are raised forward (hands overlap, left hand on top).
7- Bend both legs, and at the same time, both arms are bent flat in front of the chest and then vibrated (clenched fists).
8- Body upright, while both arms are raised forward (fists clenched, hands slightly close together).
The second eight beats
1-3 Flex both legs twice while raising the left arm up and lowering the right arm down. Backward vibration twice into forward lift (make a fist, both hands slightly close together).
4-Body upright, both arms into a front raise.
5-Lift the left knee (left foot on the inside of the right knee), bend the right leg, while the left arm is raised sideways, the right arm is bending flat on the chest and reviving (clenched fist), and the head is turned left by 90 degrees.
6- Same as 4.
7-8-Restore into upright.
The third and fourth octaves are the same as the first and second octaves, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 3 Kicking Exercise (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-2 Left foot steps forward into a lunge, while both arms go through the front to the top (make a fist).
3-Lift the right knee (thigh parallel to the ground) and extend the left leg while bending the elbows in front of the chest with both arms (palms facing each other).
4-Right leg back, while both arms go up
5-6 Right leg kicks forward (greater than 90 degrees, straight knee, tense toes), while both arms go through the side to the top.
7-Right leg backward while raising both arms via down to side.
8-Restore to upright.
The second eight beats
1-2 Left leg steps to the side into a semi-squat (wider than shoulder-width), while both arms advance to cross to hand-held knees (tigers' mouths inward).
3-4Restore into upright.
5- Take a step forward to the right with the right foot, while crossing both arms in front of the chest (palms back).
6- Kick the right leg sideways (greater than 90 degrees, straight knee, tense toes) while swinging both arms through down to the side.
7-Right leg back, while raising both arms sideways (with fists).
8-Restore to upright.
The third and fourth octaves are the same as the first and second octaves, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 4 Body Side Movement (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-2 Step forward with the left foot while raising both arms up through the front.
3-4 Step right foot to the side into open stance, while raising both arms sideways.
5-6 Lift the left knee (thigh parallel to the ground, left foot on the inside of the right knee) while swinging the arms down and the right arm up.
7-8Left leg down into an open stance, while the upper body is bent on the right side, the right hand crosses the waist, and the left arm is lifted up.
The second eight beats
1-4 Bend the left side of the upper body, at the same time, the left hand swings down through the side and touches the outside of the left knee, the right arm is raised through the side to the side (palm facing outward, looking up at the right hand).
5-6 Upper body reverts to upright, both arms into side raises.
7-8 Return to upright.
The third and fourth octaves are the same as the first and second octaves, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 5 Body Turns (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-2 Flex both legs once while crossing your arms.
3-4 Step left foot to the side into an open stance (slightly wider than shoulder width), while holding both hands together in front.
5-6Turn your upper body 90 degrees to the left, while bending your left arm flat in front of your chest and lifting your right arm forward (palm down, eyes on your right hand).
7-8 Upper body turns 180 degrees right (eyes on right hand).
The second eight beats
1-2 Upper body turns 180 degrees left, while both arms are raised sideways through the front to the left arm and the right arm is bent flat in front of the chest (eyes on the left hand).
3-4 Turn the upper body once (the turn is controlled within 45 degrees, eyes looking at the left hand).
5-6 The upper body turns to the front, while the right arm passes under and the left arm swings to the head in a cross (left arm in front), slightly raising the head.
7-8 Return to upright.
The third and fourth eight beats are the same as the first and second eight beats, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 6 Abdominal and Dorsal Exercises (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-2 Both arms are swung through the side to upward.
3-4 Left foot steps to the side into an open stance (slightly wider than shoulder width), upper body facing left front, while left hand holds the back of the head and right arm is raised in front (palm down).
5-6Restore your upper body while crossing your arms at the waist.
7-8 Bend your upper body forward and touch the ground in front of your right foot with your left finger (palm inward).
The second eight beats
1-2 Bend forward with your upper body, while your right fingers touch the ground in front of your left foot (palm inward), and raise your left arm back up (palm outward).
3-4 Body forward flexion vibrates once while both fingers touch the ground (palms backward).
5-6 Left foot retracts while squatting down, both hands holding the upper part of the knee (fingertips facing each other, eyes looking down in front).
7-8 Return to upright.
The third and fourth eight beats are the same as the first and second eight beats, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth through eighth beats are the same as the first through fourth octaves.
Section 7 Jumping Movement (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
The first eight beats
1 A left front 45 degrees jump into a left lunge, both arms chest flat flexion (clenched fist).
2 I jump into a parallel stance, both arms restored.
3 One jumps into a left front lunge, while swinging both arms through the side to a palm strike above the head.
4 One right 45-degree jump back to upright.
5-6 Two small jumps with legs together, arms bent flat on chest (fists).
7 One-legged hops, both arms raised sideways (fist into palm).
8 One reduction into upright.
The second eight beats
1 I jump with the right foot kicking the leg back, and at the same time, bend the elbow in front of the chest with both arms (fists to the back).
2 I jump with the left foot kicking the leg back, while raising both arms down (fists inward).
3 A right foot back kick jump with both arms raised sideways.
4 A jump into a side-by-side position with both arms at the side of the body.
5-6 Jump into a semi-squat open stance, while both arms cross in front of the body and circle outward to the side (fist into palm).
7-8 Reduce to upright.
The third and fourth eight beats are the same as the first and second eight beats, but in the opposite direction.
The fifth to eighth eight beats are the same as the first to fourth eight beats
Section 8 Tidy Up (8 beats x 8)
Preparatory position: upright.
First eight beats
1-4 Left foot starts to step, both arms swing to side up (palms out).
5-8 Step, both arms drop to side downward lift, while bending elbows, forearms circle outward to the side of the body, return to upright.
The second eight beats
1-2 Step forward with the left foot, and point the right foot to the ground on the inside of the left foot, while swinging both arms to the front (palms down).
3-4 Step back with the right foot, tap the ground with the left foot on the inside of the right foot, and swing the arms down to the side.
5-8 Start stepping with the right foot, arms down, and return to upright.
Third. The fourth eight beats are the same as the first and second eight beats, but in the opposite direction.
Fifth eight beats
l 1 2 Raise both arms sideways.
3-4 Step right foot to the side into open stance (slightly wider than shoulder width), at the same time the body turns 45 degrees to the left, and raise both arms forward to strike the palm.
5-6Body bends forward, while both hands cross and hold each other to the front down.
7-8 Raise the upper body while raising both arms up (hands clasped, palms up).
Sixth eight beats
1-4 Left arm up (palm back), right arm through front to down, head down, eyes on right hand.
5-8 Left foot retracts while left arm is restored to upright via side.
The seventh and eighth beats are the same as the fifth and sixth beats, but in the opposite direction.