What is the level of bench press 500 kg?

500 kg bench press is already very powerful.

If you can weigh more than 100KG in the gym, it means that your chest muscles and upper limb muscles are stronger, which has exceeded 70% of ordinary trainers.

After lying down, hold the bar with both hands. The distance between the hands is 1.5 times the shoulder width, and the little fingers of both hands should not be knurled by barbells at both ends.

The shoulder blades on both sides of the back are tightened inward, the back waist is slightly arched upward, and the feet are firmly on the ground.

After lifting the bar, tighten the core, lower the barbell to the lower part of the pectoral muscle, then push the barbell up hard until it is completely locked, and then repeat the barbell lowering operation.