The description of Calch D should be detailed.

Alias calcium d

Mbth calculates the rate D 300/ call rate D 600.

Pharmacological action promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in intestine and promotes the normal calcification of bones.

Indications are used to prevent and treat diseases caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiency in adults, such as osteoporosis, rickets, calcium deficiency during pregnancy and lactation.

Administration and dosage: adult 1-2 tablets, daily 1 time, child 1/2 tablets, daily 1 time. Calcium tablet D 300: 2 tablets for adults, 2-3 times a day, and children 1 tablet, 2 times a day.

Precautions Hypercalcemia should be used with caution.

Specification chewable tablets D 300 (calcium tablets D 300)30 tablets. 30 tablets of D 600 (Calch D 600).