2, vomiting symptoms: vomiting symptoms, common in patients with advanced esophageal cancer, mostly manifested as patients vomiting foamy mucus, or chicken-like sticky saliva. The main causes of vomiting symptoms are: esophageal obstruction prevents saliva and esophageal secretions from flowing into the stomach, and esophageal cancer and inflammation cause the increase of reflective secretions of esophageal glands and salivary glands. Vomiting mucus sometimes carries blood, and it is mixed in meals and food the next day, which has the smell of fermentation and even necrotic tissue.
3, food reflux: due to advanced esophageal cancer patients, esophageal obstruction is serious, and the proximal segment of esophageal obstruction has dilatation and retention. Therefore, food reflux often occurs in patients with advanced esophageal cancer. Reflux usually contains mucus, mixed with food, bloody or necrotic tissue, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients.
4. Symptoms of hematemesis: Because the surface of esophagus is swollen and ulcerated, or the surface of ulcer is scratched by food, patients vomit blood, especially patients with advanced esophageal cancer. The tumor destroys the aorta and may cause massive hematemesis.
5, the late spread of esophageal cancer: patients with advanced esophageal cancer will have jaundice, ascites, abnormal liver function, dyspnea, cough, headache, coma and so on. ; The tumor invaded the esophageal adventitia and caused esophageal perforation, resulting in feeding tube-trachea fistula and esophageal-mediastinal fistula. In patients with advanced esophageal cancer, tumor blocking the esophagus will lead to complete obstruction, dehydration, electrolyte disorder, cachexia and general failure.