What are the hazards of irradiated food?

Will irradiation destroy the nutritional components of food?

Intense irradiation may affect or even destroy protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins, but in fact, within the prescribed dose range, irradiation will not significantly reduce the nutritional quality of food.

Will there be chronic pathogenic or teratogenic substances in irradiated food? It is reported that harmful components can be produced when the radiation dose is higher than 10kGy, but no harmful components are found when the radiation dose is lower than 10kGy.

Can radiation cause carcinogens in food?

Fatty foods can produce lipid peroxides and free radicals after irradiation, which are carcinogenic factors. However, at present, it is believed that food irradiated under the recommended dose and approved conditions will not produce harmful carcinogens.

Is there induced radioactivity in irradiated food?

Food does not directly contact radioactive sources during irradiation, so food will not be contaminated by radioactive substances; However, the irradiation rays used at present require strong penetrating power, which does not rule out that the irradiated elements produce radioactivity at a certain energy level (that is, induced radioactivity); However, the study believes that the current radiation and dose-induced radiation will not endanger health.

Will irradiation mutate incapacitated microorganisms?

Experiments show that some microorganisms have anti-radiation ability at irradiation sterilization dose, and repeated irradiation doubles their anti-radiation ability. The change of this banned microbial flora may produce new varieties and cause harm to human beings, and the safety problems in this regard need to be studied and confirmed.