Huangdi Neijing said: "The woman is fourteen years old and her pulse is too strong"; At the age of thirty-seven or twenty-one, kidney qi is average; When she was forty-seven or eight years old, her bones and muscles were strong; When she was 57 or 35 years old, her pulse was weak; When she was sixty-seven or forty-two, her pulse was weak; When she was 77 years old, her pulse was weak and her sky was completely broken. That is to say, from the age of 14, women can ovulate and get pregnant normally before the age of 49, but it is best to have children at the age of 20-28.
Of course, there are some important information hidden between the lines of Huangdi Neijing. The "healthiest" can be summarized into four items: first, it is a matter of time, and it is best for women to give birth between the ages of 20 and 28; Second, it is closely related to liver and kidney, that is, it involves qi and blood; Third, it is related to congenital ren pulse and tai chong pulse; Fourth, the human body has peaks and valleys, so we should follow the trend and grasp the best "pregnancy" situation.