What about the surrounding facilities of Nanjing Yanhe Garden Community?

Address of Yanhe Garden Community: Longhu East Road, Liuhe District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Deyi Garden, Longhu Peninsula, Cui Yu Tang Cheng, Wenxin Garden North, Longchi Cuizhou North Gate, Wenbo Jiayuan West, Jasmine Garden) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Longhu Peninsula Kindergarten, Silent Education, Qituo Education (Liuhe Campus), Xintang Culture Education (Longhu Peninsula Teaching Point), Wen Yi Education, Inspirational School, Shoudaoweiqi, Nanjing Lightning Education and Training Center Co., Ltd., Henghao Education (Jinling Campus) and Nanjing Yuefanxing Education and Training Center Co., Ltd.).

There are two medical resources around 2KM, among which the Eye Hospital is 9 19 meters away from the community, and Liuhe Hengan Chinese Medicine Hospital is 18 12 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Yanhe Garden are: (Huimengyuan Life Supermarket, Wankeyuan Supermarket (Xiongzhou West Road Store), Xinbo Supermarket (Xiongzhou West Road Store), Rong Sheng Times Square, Jiayuefu (Rong Sheng Times Square Store), Happiness Harbor, Yonghui Supermarket, wanda plaza (Nanjing Liuhe Store), Jiayuefu Supermarket (Guancheng Store) and Nanjing Yuesihui Shopping Center).

Click to see more: details of Yanhe Garden Community.