1, too high acidity can also lead to red stool. First check whether the dog's stool is bloody because of anal fissure. If not, it is likely that the dog has lower gastrointestinal bleeding.
2, orange poop:
When the dog's poop contains orange dregs, or part of the poop is orange. Probably indigestion, food can't be completely absorbed.
3, yellow poop:
The color of poop is healthier at this time. It can be judged that the food eaten by dogs has a high carbohydrate content. If the color of poop is dark yellow, it may also be because a large number of red blood cells in the dog's body are destroyed to produce jaundice.
4, gray poop:
If the stool is "white clay-like", it may be jaundice or biliary obstruction caused by stones, tumors, ascaris, etc. Therefore, choleflavin cannot be excreted casually.
5, brown poop:
The color of healthy poop, but the food that dogs eat is rich in fat. The intake of fat should be reduced appropriately.
6, green poop:
When dogs eat vegetables with high chlorophyll content such as green vegetables and cucumbers. Because it cannot be fully digested and absorbed by the stomach, it is still 7. Black stool in intestine:
Black stool will appear when the digestive organs such as stomach, duodenum and small intestine of dogs bleed.
There are other points:
1. Healthy poop: cylindrical, hard enough to be pinched with a paper towel.
2. Mosaic poop: things that are not fully digested, such as corn, are embedded in the stool. Reason: The dog's food can't be digested, because some things are not suitable for the dog's stomach.
3. Small ball poop: Small ball poop, hard and hard, only once every 2-3 days. Cause: Excessive fire caused by insufficient drinking water or improper diet leads to dry stool and even difficulty in defecation.
4. Soft stool: I want to wrap it in a paper towel, but it quickly seeps out of the paper towel and leaves traces on the ground. Cause: cold, eating too much or too cold will cause diarrhea.
5. Turbid stool: turbid liquid stool, discharging chocolate-colored or brown mud stool, with a strong smell of corruption. Causes: gastrointestinal mucosal injury, pathogen infection, digestive tract ulcer.
6. watery stool: stool is like running water, although it is mixed with lumps, it is basically liquid. Reason: When the dog has watery stool, it may be a sign of severe cold diseases such as parvovirus infection and coronavirus enteritis, and it may deteriorate rapidly. 7. Slender stool: thinner than ordinary stool. Cause: This is a danger signal, because the intestinal cavity is narrow, or eating foreign bodies by mistake leads to intestinal obstruction.
8. Mucous stool: There is mucus in the stool with mucus and bubbles on it. Reason: It may be that the rectal mucosa near the anus of the dog is seriously inflamed.
9. Tarky stool: Mucus is a shaped tarry stool. Cause: There is bleeding in the stomach, but it takes too long. When discharged from the body, the blood has solidified and mixed with feces.