Brown rice oatmeal pancake
Time: 18 minutes.
Temperature: 180℃.
Materials (14 tablets):
Raw brown rice flour 85g, oatmeal 20g, almond milk 75g, coconut oil 20g, palm sugar 20g, baking powder 2g( 1/2 teaspoons), sea salt 1g( 1/8 teaspoons).
Baking suggestion: the dough is not cooked if it is too thick, and it is harder than teeth if it is baked for too long. Therefore, please stick the dough as thin as possible, just like the dough of cereal party cookies, so that the finished product can have a crisp taste!
1. Soak oatmeal in almond milk and refrigerate for two hours.
2. Preheat the oven to 180℃.
3. Take a container, add liquid coconut oil, palm sugar, baking powder and sea salt, then mix in oatmeal and plant milk that have been refrigerated for 2 hours, stir until uniform, and then add raw brown rice flour and mix well.
4. Divide the dough into 14 parts, one part is about 1 spoon, round the dough, press it into a flat shape with a thickness of about 1mm, put it in a preheated oven and bake it for 18 minutes.
This paper comes from the book "gluten-free baking course for raw materials: using rice flour instead of flour, nuts and coconut oil to create a dessert recipe for 52 hypoallergenic ingredients" by Happiness Culture.