The company requires employees to wear personal protective equipment for the following purposes

The company requires employees to wear personal protective equipment as required: to protect employees' health;

First of all, dress

Fasten clothes when dressing, and dress neatly, cleanly and appropriately; Enter the workplace without a skirt; Wear pants below the knee to enter the workplace. It is forbidden to wear shorts, long skirts and vests into the workplace.

Second, shoes

Choose cloth, leather, glue, etc. Cover the ankle below. Qualified safety shoes should be used in designated areas. Slippers, sandals, open-toed shoes and high heels are prohibited.

Third, hair.

The front yin of short hair is not lower than the eyebrow; Don't cover your eyebrows before long hair, tie up the long head at the side and back, and don't fall below your shoulders.

Fourth, the factory certificate

Entering the company has always worn the factory certificate on the front. The factory certificate should be worn on the upper left of the factory uniform; Enter the workplace without using the lanyard factory certificate; Don't hang the factory certificate around your waist or wear it where it is not easy to see.

Five, glasses

It is required to wear qualified protective glasses to enter the following areas or engage in the following operations: die casting area, vinyl area, injection area, beating area, grinding area, oil blending, chemical blending, laboratory, maintenance workshop, mold workshop, hazardous chemicals storage area, hazardous waste operation, hazardous waste storage and forklift operation.