What does this belt stand for

Green ribbon is a kind of colored ribbon, which symbolizes many things, such as environmental protection, marijuana and liberated agriculture. At present, it also represents the progress and wide spread of medical transplantation technology.

It is a symbol of global transplant medical surgery, representing skin transplantation, organ donation and organ transplantation. Its green color means that life is connected and grows together.

At present, people all over the world have launched green ribbon activities, aiming to make people pay more attention to those who are waiting for organ donation.

The green ribbon also represents marijuana, so there are many international groups that support the legalization of marijuana, and almost all of them regard the green ribbon as a spiritual symbol. In medicine, marijuana is often used as an adjuvant treatment for some terminal diseases (cancer, AIDS), stimulating appetite and relieving pain, relieving nervous system symptoms such as glaucoma, epilepsy, migraine and bipolar disorder, and relieving nausea symptoms of chemotherapy patients. Although medical marijuana is still controversial politically, doctors often recommend it informally to patients. THC (called dronabinol or Marinol) is an effective component of synthetic cannabis and is an open prescription drug in many countries.