What is chicken's English?

chicken (as food)

English [? tk? N] beauty [? tk? n]

Chicken; Chicken.

Timid; Cowardly; Cowardly.

Intransitive verbs do it timidly; Lose courage; Quit at the last minute because of timidity.

[example]] This? Chicken? Isn't it cooked? middle

This chicken is not ripe yet.



English [? Kadli] Beauty [? Calderley]

Timid; Timid; Timid

This is a cowardly thing.

It is cowardly to do such a thing.

Phrase collocation:

Cowardly, vicious and timid people are more terrible.

Retreat behavior

A cowardly thief, a fearless robber

A timid lion; a timid lion; Timid lion