What's in Luo Mai's health suit?

Luo Mai Yi Nian Xing nao suit is a health care and nutrition suit specially designed for people who long for health and longevity. It aims at improving immunity, eliminating free radicals in the body, improving brain function, delaying aging, staying young and happy for a long time, and making the myth of immortality come true. This suit features 1, strong anti-oxidation and anti-aging-lycopene, VitE, blueberry Scientists believe that free radicals are one of the important causes of aging and many diseases. It is estimated that about 80%-90% of aging and degenerative diseases are related to free radicals, so eliminating harmful free radicals is very important for health and young physique. One way to fight free radicals is to supplement antioxidants. At present, the most powerful natural plant antioxidant is lycopene. Lycopene can be excited by different electrons to generate ground state oxygen or triplet lycopene, and a triplet lycopene can eliminate thousands of singlet oxygen free radicals, so lycopene can protect biofilm from oxygen free radicals. It can remove all free radicals in human body, including monoxides that other antioxidants can't, so its antioxidant function is the strongest, which is 2 ~ 3 times that of β-carotene and 0/00 times that of vitamin E. The latest research shows that lycopene also has anti-aging effect. The decrease of lycopene in plasma is related to aging. Snowden and others also found that the content of lycopene in blood can prevent the occurrence of dysfunction in the elderly and improve their self-care ability. The main function of vitamin E is to eliminate free radicals and resist aging. OPC in blueberry is a powerful antioxidant. It can delay aging and maintain youthful vitality.