Are apples healthy?

Eating apples may increase fat.

Brown fat, also known as brown adipose tissue, is a kind of high-quality fat in human body and other mammals. Unfortunately, it is not as rich as Bai Pang. White fat is bad fat, which stores too many calories we consume. On the other hand, brown fat actually burns calories to generate heat in the body. A study? Studies have found that compounds in apple peel can increase brown fat and reduce obesity in mice.

Eating apples may be good for your intestines.

Apples are rich in pectin (a soluble fiber that can lower blood pressure, glucose levels and bad cholesterol levels).

Pectin can also treat digestive system diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It can also reduce inflammation associated with diarrhea and colitis. A study? It is revealed that there are a large number of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract of mice that eat more apples, which is mainly attributed to pectin.

Apples are also an important source of fiber, which may help prevent constipation, relieve digestive system diseases and even help prevent colorectal cancer.

Now, let's look at some essential vitamins and minerals in a big raw apple (with skin). These are all based on the general nutritional value of various apples.

? Calcium,13mg. Generally speaking, the target for adults (male or female) aged between 19 and 50 is about 1 000 mg. Daily calcium. This mineral is necessary for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. Calcium is also necessary for blood coagulation and hemostasis and for the normal function of nerves, muscles and heart. The National Cancer Institute of the United States conducted a study to monitor the calcium intake of135,000 men and women. Subjects with calcium intake exceeding 700 mg. Compared with people who consume 500 mg of calcium every day, the cancer risk of the distal (lower) colon is reduced by 35-45%. Or less every day.

? Magnesium, 1 1 mg? This essential mineral helps to regulate blood pressure and has antioxidant properties. Several studies have also shown that taking 125-300 mg magnesium to study participants at each meal and before going to bed can reduce the severity of depressive symptoms.

? 25 milligrams of phosphorus? This mineral forms strong bones and teeth together with calcium. It is also necessary to help balance and use other vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, iodine, magnesium and zinc.