In the sixth year of Jianxing, Zhuge, the prime minister, went to Qishan, with Tianshui as the prefect, followed by Wei Gongxu, the main book Yin Shang and the main book. When the prefect heard that the Shu army had surrendered, the counties responded, suspecting that Wei was unfaithful, and he died that night, so he was guaranteed. Wei and others had no time to catch up, and when they reached the city gate, the city gate was closed and refused to accept it. Dimension and phase rate belong to Kyrgyzstan, and Kyrgyzstan does not enter the dimension. The dimension is all Zhuge Liang. Ma Su was defeated by Jieting, thousands of households in West County were pulled out, Wei and others were returned, and Wei Sui lost his mother.
In the sixth year of Jianxing, in 228 AD, Zhuge Liang set out to attack Qishan. Tianshui County was inspecting below at that time, accompanied by Jiang Wei and others. As soon as he heard that the Shu army was calling, Nan 'an, Tianshui and Anding all defected. Tianshui County suspects that his Jiang Wei and others have infidelity, and thinks that Jiang Wei and others have defected to the enemy, so they are waiting to receive their heads and see Ge Liang's reward. Tianshui satrap thought, this is not bad, the wind is tight. So Tianshui satrap who also didn't notice, ran to the _ overnight.
Jiang Wei and others received the news that the satrap had run away. People had already run away and could not catch up. When they caught up with Shang, Shang had closed the city. Jiang Wei shouted at the gate: I'm Jiang Wei, and I have something important to see the satrap. The doorman asked, do you have a health certificate? Jiang Wei said, no, the gatekeeper said that Taishou said that there is no health certificate to be quarantined 14 days, no matter you are Jiang Wei or Wang Wei.
If you can't get in, you can only go back to Jixian. In desperation, Jiang Wei and others ran to Jixian again. Unfortunately, when Jiang Wei and his party arrived in Jixian County, they found that Jixian County was closed, but they still couldn't get in.
There's nothing we can do. We can't beat the Shu army outside. It's not that I don't want to serve my country, but that my teammates are pigs. So Jiang Wei and others went to Zhuge Liang and joined the revolutionary ranks.
"Wei Lue" said: Tianshui satrap Ma Zun, led by Wei and other officials, followed Yongzhou's secretariat of Guo Huaiou, from west to Luomen. Huaigu Zun heard that Liang had arrived at Qishan and said, "This evil desire is also!" Then drive east and return to Shanghai. Zunnian governed Jixian county in the west, fearing the chaos of folk music, so he also went with Huai. He said: "The Ming government should repay the discipline." According to Wei and others, "everyone in your family is a thief." Go your own way. Wei has nothing to follow, but his home is in Hebei, so he and the county magistrate Shangguan _ Zi wait. Also returned to Hebei. When officials and people in central Hebei saw Wei and others happy, they pushed the light in succession. Two people didn't, but they were very * * *. Bye, joey. Before the people in Jizhong met the enemy, the striker was broken by Zhang _ and Fei Yao, and Wei Yan shrank. Wei couldn't return it, so he went to Shu. When all the armies attacked Hebei, they all got their mothers and wives. Because of Wei Ben, they didn't want to go, so they didn't have their homes, but they kept them. This language is different from this biography.
Wei Weiwei's statement is not quite the same as Jiang Weichuan's. Wei slightly said that Ma Zun, the magistrate of Tianshui, took Jiang Wei and others to follow Guo Huai, then the superior leader of Yongzhou Secretariat, to inspect in Luomen. When Guo Huai heard that Zhuge Liang had arrived at Qishan, he told Ma Zun that Zhuge Liang was definitely not coming to Qishan for an outing. He's angry. The good one didn't come. We have to be ready. Then Guo Huai hurried around _. Ma Zun thinks that the boss is right. When I get back, maybe Jixian has surrendered. Isn't that a trap? Just to be safe, follow the boss. Jiang Wei didn't like it. Eldest brother, you are the supreme leader of Tianshui, and Jixian is my hometown. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you not to go back to your hometown and follow the boss? Ma Zun doesn't care that much. Jixian is your hometown, not mine. If you lose it, you lose it. It's still important to save your life.
No way, Jiang Wei and others can only return to Jixian on their own. But at this time, Jixian had surrendered to Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Wei pushed them directly to Zhuge Liang after he came back.
In the sixth year of lite, the army showed off to Qishan, and there were old generals Wei Yan and Wu Yi. Commentators all call Yiling a pioneer, but Liang is not expected by the audience, and he is unified in the front. He fought with Zhang Yu in the street pavilion, was broken by Zhang Yu, and his soldiers scattered.
Cao _ sent Zhang _ to seize the street pavilion, and I personally sat in Chang 'an. The location of the street pavilion is very important. If Zhuge Liang guards the street pavilion, Cao Wei will face the unfavorable situation that Longyou will fall and Guanzhong will not be peaceful.
The gains and losses of street kiosks are related to the success or failure of the Northern Expedition, so it is a very arduous task to hold street kiosks. At that time, Wei Yan and Wu Yi, two old revolutionary comrades, had the highest voice in the army. Comrade Zhuge Liang urged everyone to appoint Comrade Ma Su to guard the street pavilion. Seeing this, some people may ask, since Zhuge Liang can help to appoint Ma Su, why can't he appoint Jiang Wei?
Jiang Wei has just joined the revolutionary ranks. Comrade Zhuge Liang doesn't know much about Jiang Wei's thought, and his ability needs to be examined. Naturally, he will not be appointed immediately. Besides, who knows whether they have the determination and sincerity to make a revolution? If Jiang Wei and others change their faith for a pretence and repent in the future, the Shu army will not suffer heavy losses then. Therefore, the responsibility of guarding street kiosks must be given to people who are both capable and loyal to Shu Han.
Liang Biwei was appointed as a warehouse, and Feng Yi, a general, was appointed as Yang at the age of 27. Jiang Wanshu, the commander-in-chief of Liang and Zhang Yi, joined the army and said, "Be loyal to current affairs, think carefully and do everything in the exam. Yongnan and Jichang are not as good as others." He is a staff sergeant in Liangzhou. Then he said, "We must teach five or six thousand Chinese tiger infantry first. Jiang Boyue is very sensitive to the military, with both courage and understanding. " This man's heart is in the Han Dynasty, but he is also a man. After teaching the army, send him to the palace to meet the Lord. "
Jiang Wei was born in 202 AD. At the age of 27, it was AD 229. At this time, the first Northern Expedition was over. After investigation, Comrade Zhuge Liang thought that Jiang Wei was a good man with good character and strong ability. The most important thing is that he is an excellent talent. So he proposed to absorb Jiang Wei into the core team of Shu Han. At this point, it really gained the trust of the group and became a member of the group.