Apple's mobile phone reset system: make your data more secure

Want to reset Apple phone to make data more secure? No problem, just follow the steps below.

Open the settings application.

First, open the "Settings" application and start a new journey.

Cancel AppleID

Second, cancel the AppleID to ensure privacy. Every Apple mobile phone user has an AppleID, which not only allows you to download genuine software in the APPStore, but also can continue to use it when replacing new devices. Don't forget to cancel the old iPhone before you sell it.

Log out of iCloud

In addition to the AppleID, iCloud also needs to log out. As the cloud hosting of Apple's mobile phone, iCloud stores your mobile phone usage information. Therefore, before discarding your mobile phone, you must cancel your iCloud account to protect your privacy.

Clear content settings

In order to protect your information security and facilitate the next user who uses your mobile phone, remember to clear the data and settings of iPhone. Just like formatting a mobile phone, one step at a time.

Close automatically downloaded items.

Coup 1: Turn off the automatically downloaded items. In addition to resetting the system, there is another trick that can help you save mobile phone space and traffic. Turn off unnecessary automatic download items in the settings to make the phone run more smoothly.