Is the intensity of urination really related to health?

In people's traditional understanding, the image of a man is always indomitable. However, when they face their own health problems, can they still strut as before? I'm afraid this is not the case.

In men's own ideas, their attention to their careers has transcended anything in the world, and they will abandon their health because of their careers. In fact, this is quite irrational. As the saying goes, "health is the capital of revolution". Without health, no matter how successful your career is, it will be in vain.

Male urination has always been a thorn in the side of male friends. The following is a series of explanations about male urination. I hope male friends can spend some time on their own health problems.

Urgency: Urgency refers to the incomplete or endless dripping of urine when urinating. It is more common in male prostate diseases, urinary calculi, urinary tract tumors and abnormal physiological structures. Inability to urinate: eating is powerful, but it can't make urine discharge slow and weak. Common in patients with prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis.

Dysuria: Dysuria means that urine cannot be naturally eliminated when urinating, and it takes a long time to urinate, and some will drip out, and even you need to bulge your stomach to discharge urine. The appearance of this situation often indicates prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancer, acute prostatitis, urethral inflammation, calculus, tumor, urethral tumor and other diseases.

Bifurcation: Bifurcation refers to the formation of two or more urine streams at the urethral orifice when urine flows out. Such micturition symptoms are more common in patients with prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia.

It is no small matter to treat turbid urine and white drops correctly. We must pay attention to these two situations. Turbid urine refers to turbid urine, or white and sticky, or like rice swill, which generally indicates inflammation of the urogenital system, such as prostatitis.